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Eternal Vigil

The book is set in the era of the Tang Dynasty’s Kaiyuan Tianbao period, telling the story of the benevolent and righteous people in the court and the rivers and lakes who “worry about their people when they are high in the temple, and worry about their monarch when they are far away in the rivers and lakes.” The spirit and the feelings of the heroes of the rivers and lakes who are “the greatest chivalrous, for the country and the people.”

The three-Eye

The coexistence of humans and gods in the prehistoric era, the vicissitudes of interstellar changes, a vast world full of conspiracies, the blood and tears of the ancient human race… This is a history of the evolution of the solar system civilization, a history of power games in prehistoric civilization. Although the human race is as humble as a speck of dust, they will never be enslaved! It depicts a magnificent and tear-jerking heroic story…

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Against The Gods

"Ah, you humans! All should die! Our zombie race is far more powerful than you can imagine!... Hahaha! The zombie race will never be enslaved! The zombie race will be immortal! Hahaha..." Why do the mutated zombies speak like this? Are humans really as hideous as the mutated zombies claim? What will be the ultimate fate of humanity? Can Chu Fan wield his sword to eliminate the evil and suppress the lingering spirits with a single strike?

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Chinese Sniper

In the Battle of Wuhan, Dong San Shao embarked on a journey of grassroots sniper warfare against the Japanese army in the style of a Sniper God, wielding a legendary rifle that struck fear into the hearts of the enemy. Capturing a Japanese female sniper, he scripted the legendary tale of our army's sniper prowess.

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Great forbidden area

Even with the development of human beings, there are still many unknown places and many unsolved mysteries. And those unknown places are commonly known as forbidden lands. A bizarre death investigation incident plunged me into a lot of fog and also led me to enter an unknown forbidden land. After a series of explorations, the truth of the matter finally emerged, and my life changed dramatically.

The witches of the dainty tower

The southern summer of the Stylandia continent is unbearably hot. Aside from those who are forced to travel for their livelihood, no one else would willingly run under the scorching midday sun on the road, unless they were a complete fool. Tree elf Lynn Piaoye is no fool. Therefore, before the large golden disk overhead began to roast people, this elegant and beautiful adventurer had already burrowed into the depths of the lush forest.

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Whispers of despair: anomaly Investigation files

"Courage is the key to moving forward, fear is the tale of despair." On a millennium eve, the city was enveloped in an unknown mist. The protagonist, after an unexpected injury, returns to his hometown and becomes embroiled in a series of unbelievable and eerie events. Eventually, he joins a mysterious organization and becomes one of its case investigators. While delving into the peculiar cases, he not only needs to understand the contents of these files but also has to conduct on-site inv

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A Town Where Time Goes Back

In an isolated town, there exists a miraculous flower clock. This clock displays the passage of time and seasons through the blooming and closing of different flowers. One day, a shooting star blooms in the sky, taking the shape of purple flowers, but only a little girl sees it. Later, the flower clock withers, overrun by purple flowers, transforming into an indestructible sea of purple. Subsequently, the townspeople start falling ill, covered in purple spots. When these spots fully develop into

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Contrary path

Greed, always the greatest weakness in human nature. It's as if there's a fierce beast residing in every heart, a beast longing to devour everything in its path. Each individual uses morality, law, and emotion to restrain it, like a cage that controls it. Yet, there's always a fragile cage, losing its intended purpose, releasing the beast to rampage freely and devour the world.

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The story of Chinese history for five thousand years

Legend has it that in the beginning when heaven and earth had not yet formed, the universe was like a gigantic egg, with blackness within. No one knows when it began, but gradually at the core of the universe, an elf emerged, and he was Pangu. Lying in the egg-shaped universe, Pangu slept soundly, growing slowly amidst the chaos. As millions of years passed, Pangu grew from a small baby into a robust giant He continued to slumber in the chaos for approximately 18,000 years One day, Pangu aw

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Mysterious place

"I am an explorer of mysterious realms, the heir to a family legacy. Five years ago, during an expedition into a hidden realm, my father, High Lord Tian, mysteriously disappeared. Lady Gao, my mother, insisted on personally searching for the truth, only to uncover a long-buried past and a great secret."

Echoes of Sin

Dispel the fog of the abyss of greed and dig out sin and punishment from the ashes of history.