
The vast universe, profound and tranquil, stars silently radiating their light, never causing a fuss, not disturbing anyone. In the expansive cosmic space, meteors float like small boats drifting along the river current in the sea of stars.


On an ordinary meteor, a middle-aged man with a head full of black hair stands at the edge, gazing at the blue planet before him, his eyes filled with sorrow.


“It still shows no signs of recovery. We’re likely to encounter problems if we go in like this.”


Although the middle-aged man is speaking, his voice does not appear directly but is transmitted to the distance through his spiritual energy.


“There’s no other way, our situation here is rather unique.” A voice is transmitted directly to the middle-aged man’s ears through a strand of spiritual energy.


“A large number of divine spirits have died, leaving behind too much high-quality spiritual energy in our galaxy. Normally, this spiritual energy would dissipate slowly like in other galaxies, but it’s not possible here. The high-quality spiritual energy here is simply too abundant, directly hindering the normal operation of the entire galaxy. It can no longer dissipate normally, and it’s precisely because of these operational issues that our planet has become fragile, preventing us from returning. This spiritual energy is too strong for us to handle and help dissipate, unless…”



“Unless we create another divine spirit to take action.” The middle-aged man already knew the next part without waiting for the other party to speak, but a bitter smile quickly appeared on his face.


“Creating a Divine Spirit is easier said than done, especially under the current cosmic conditions, it’s basically impossible. Even if it were possible, we would have to…”


“Don’t worry, our predecessors were prepared.” Just as the middle-aged man was feeling pessimistic, another voice reached his ears, “Our predecessors were once at the pinnacle of existence. They sensed the disaster before it happened, but they were powerless to prevent it. However, being powerless to prevent it and not knowing how to deal with the aftermath are two different things. We just need to follow the arrangements of our predecessors, and I believe we will succeed.”


Upon hearing these words, the middle-aged man’s eyes noticeably brightened, “What do I need to do?”


“Go to a planet in an extragalactic system and wait, then…”

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