Chapter 1: Emperor Xuanzong Summons Zhang Guolao

“At three-quarters past noon today, the criminal will be executed at Dog Ridge in the East Market!” cried the imperial guards, banging gongs and announcing loudly.

Before noon arrived, Dog Ridge was already bustling with people. The citizens of Chang’an City (the capital of the Tang Dynasty) flocked there one after another, eager to witness the event, resembling a lively theatre performance.

As the clock struck three-quarters past noon, the executioner removed the hood from the criminal’s head, and the archives official loudly read out the charges against him. “Why is the criminal his majesty?” Someone from the crowd exclaimed, causing a stir among the onlookers.

“Nonsense! It’s an imperial decree from our current emperor himself. The traitor who plotted to assassinate his majesty is to be publicly tortured to death by slow slicing in the streets. How could the criminal be his majesty himself?” retorted another citizen, dressed as a scholar.

“His Majesty often celebrates with the subjects on the Qianqiu Festival, which was set to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Xuanzong Li Longji of the Tang Dynasty. Every year during the Qianqiu Festival, His Majesty frequently ascends the Changle Tower. I visited to pay my respects just two years ago (in the twenty-third year of the Kaiyuan era, 713-741 AD), and I remember His Majesty’s appearance vividly. There is no resemblance whatsoever between him and this criminal. How could you speak such nonsense?" The citizen who had recognized the criminal earlier argued vehemently.

In the Chang’an City, on August 5th of the twenty-third year of the Kaiyuan era (735 AD).

Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Longji, held the Qianqiu Festival Banquet in the Qinzhou Tower within the Imperial Palace. Ministers and officials gathered to celebrate and toast in honour of Emperor Xuanzong’s fiftieth birthday. Throughout the empire, celebrations and feasts were ordered in all provinces, and a three-day holiday was granted to the people.

Before dawn on that day, the imperial guards ushered the emperor’s carriage, leading a procession of four divisions from the Northern Garrison Armies. They arranged themselves in formation, displaying banners and clad in golden armour. The imperial guards and the soldiers from the four divisions stood in formation, while the Ministry of Rites provided music. The Imperial Music Bureau organized elaborate displays of mountain carriages, dry boats, tightrope walking, swordplay, acrobatics, horn duels, and various theatrical performances. Additionally, over a hundred grandly adorned elephants, rhinoceroses, and dancing horses were brought in to participate in the festivities.

At dusk of that day, Emperor Xuanzong hosted a banquet at the Qinzhou Tower, where he gathered his courtiers. Consort Wuhui sat beside him, adorned in a bright yellow sea-rose-patterned brocade skirt from Shu, the abbreviation of Sichuan Province, with her hair elaborately styled into a high Yao Terrace Hairdo adorned with three hairpins with trembling tassels. At this time, she was thirty-six years old, possessing a beautiful and charming appearance, as well as a gentle and obedient temperament, which greatly endeared her to Emperor Xuanzong.

Gao Lishi, a famous eunuch in the Tang Dynasty, spoke softly and gently to Emperor Xuanzong, leaning in close. “Your Majesty, the Assistant of the Secretariat, Xu Qiao, accompanied by Zhang Guolao, is seeking an audience outside the palace gate”. Emperor Xuanzong’s face lit up with joy. “Quickly, let them in!”

Zhang Guolao, his surname Zhang and given name Guo, is known as Master Tongxuan. "Lao" is an honorific title for him. As Emperor Xuanzong approached the age of understanding destiny, he became increasingly fascinated by the Taoist practices of immortality. Upon hearing that Zhang Guolao had retired to Zhongtiao Mountain, he sent envoys multiple times to invite him, but Zhang Guolao refused to come. This time, the Imperial Attendant, Xu Qiao, was sent with the imperial seal to Zhongtiao Mountain to invite Zhang Guolao, and finally, Zhang Guolao agreed to come and meet.

When Zhang Guolao entered the palace, Emperor Xuanzong asked, “Master, you have attained the Dao, why then are your hair and teeth so worn and old?” Zhang Guolao replied, “This Dao I attained was when my teeth fell out and my hair thinned. I could only end up in this state. Your Majesty, it would be better to remove them altogether.” With that, he plucked out all his hair and knocked out his teeth.

Emperor Xuanzong hurriedly said, “Master, why do you do this? Please rest for a while.” But after just the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Zhang Guolao emerged once again, and his appearance drastically changed. His black hair and white teeth gleamed, making him look even younger than in his prime. Emperor Xuanzong was amazed and honoured him with the title of “Grand Master of the Imperial Scribes”.

Emperor Xuanzong’s gaze drifted across the court and landed on his younger sister, Princess Yuzhen’s face. She was already thirty-three years old and still unmarried, as she had a strong preference for cultivating Dao. The Emperor decided to bestow Princess Yuzhen in marriage to Zhang Guolao. However, Zhang Guolao firmly declined the offer, singing, “To marry a princess and ascend to the highest ranks, some may see it as a joy, but I see it as something to fear”. After finishing his song, he burst into laughter, then took out a paper donkey from his pocket, blew air into it, and rode away backwards on its back, leaving everyone astonished.

Princess Yuzhen, also known as Li Chiyin, was a female Taoist practitioner. The poetic genius in the Tang Dynasty Li Bai once wrote “Words for Princess Yuzhen”, praising Princess Yuzhen thus: “The immortal Yuzhen, often ascending Taihua Peak. At dawn, she beats the heavenly drum, swiftly soaring like twin dragons. Playing with lightning incessantly, moving through the clouds without a trace. When will she enter the Palace of the Queen Mother, where she is sure to meet her.”

At this moment, Wang Wei, a famous poet and painter, was also present at the banquet. As he watched Zhang Guolao ride away on the donkey, he sighed deeply. Originally, Wang Wei had come to the capital to take the imperial examination, but he failed to pass and had to resort to travelling among various noble households, playing the pipa and singing in order to make a living and seek fame.

It was the young Wang Wei who embraced his pipa, and like a songstress, he played and sang the song “Yulin Pao” for Princess Yuzhen in her palace. It was as if “the loud strings hummed like heavy rain, while the soft strings whispered like secret conversations. The humming and whispering intermingled in a chaotic melody, like large and small pearls falling onto a jade plate.” The captivating voice and the flowing melodies of the pipa intertwined, leaving Princess Yuzhen enchanted. Princess Yuzhen admired Wang Wei’s talent, while Wang Wei admired Princess Yuzhen’s beauty.

The following year, Princess Yuzhen helped Wang Wei secure the position of Assistant Director of Music, a relatively minor official position. However, it granted him the privilege of freely entering and leaving the Imperial Palace and its gardens. As a result, the two often met privately within the palace.

Wang Wei was talented, imposing, and handsome, resembling a jade tree standing tall in the wind. Princess Yuzhen and Wang Wei were deeply in love, and she was determined to help him achieve success. Once again, she tirelessly pleaded on Wang Wei’s behalf, making arrangements with the chief examiners such as Pei Mingfu, and ensuring that Wang Wei would excel in the imperial examination. As a result, in the nineteenth year of the Kaiyuan era, Wang Wei achieved the top spot in the examination, becoming the new champion scholar.

Wang Wei realized that achieving the top spot in the imperial examination was not entirely honourable, which left him conflicted. He pondered to himself, “If the imperial examination truly judged based on merit alone, with my talents and knowledge, I might not have failed in the past. However, most candidates rely on connections with the examiners or the influence of their families. If I do not seek such support, even with my capabilities, I may still fail to succeed. Considering this, in the current examination, Zhang Jiugao, the younger brother of the Prime Minister Zhang Jiuling, is also taking the exam. Who in the court wouldn’t seek to curry favour with the current Prime Minister? If not for Princess Yuzhen’s intervention, this year’s new champion scholar would undoubtedly be Zhang Jiugao. Since I obtained the top spot in the examination due to Princess Yuzhen’s influence, it is better to strive to do my best, become a good official, and benefit the people. This way, my reputation will align with my actions.”

While serving as an official, Wang Wei indeed worked diligently for the people, maintaining integrity and honesty in his conduct. His efforts earned the approval of Prime Minister Zhang Jiuling, who promoted him to the position of Right Imperial Censor. Despite his close relationship with Princess Yuzhen, Wang Wei couldn’t help but feel guilty towards his wife back home. He expressed his sentiments in a poem, lamenting his inability to forget his old love amidst his current favour: “Today’s favour, I shan't dwell on, but never will I forget the old favour. Tears well up as I look at flowers, alone, With no one to share with me King Yu’s lament”.

It is said that Li Bai and Wang Wei were of the same age. In this year, both of them were thirty-four years old. Li Bai was wild and unrestrained by nature. Upon seeing Princess Yuzhen, he composed the poem “Ode to Princess Yuzhen”, portraying her as a celestial being akin to a goddess from the heavens. As both Li Bai and Princess Yuzhen shared an interest in Daoist cultivation, they quickly found common ground. Princess Yuzhen even arranged for Li Bai to reside in the “Princess Yuzhen’s Villa” at the foot of Mount Zhongnan.

In response to Princess Yuzhen's unrequited love, Wang Wei's heart was filled with unease. Therefore, he penned a poem titled “In Response to the Holy Decree on Visiting the Mountain Villa of Princess Yuzhen and Inscribing Ten Verses on a Stone Wall”: “Beyond the azure mists and winds, where the Jade Terrace path winds free, How do you link up with the Emperor's Park? That's a different world you see. Here, phoenixes wheel their carriages around, and streams turn jade-like jade, In grottos, the sun and moon shine bright, while windows spill clouds' hues made. Courtyard nurtures cranes that aim at the sky, streams stretch to the great Han stream. Farms grow white jade, mud stoves refine vermilion; life here is a heavenly dream. Valleys quiet, springs echo far, mountains deepen and daylight wanes. Royal dishes are seasoned with precious stones, fragrant rice scented with sesame grains. The Great Road knows no end today, who knows if eternity's bounds will hold sway? Looking back at the Nine Heavens above, as chariots ply the Five Clouds’ way”.

Intrigued by Li Bai’s passion for wine, Princess Yuzhen often found him inebriated at her villa. However, as time passed, she grew weary of Li Bai’s company and yearned for the gentler pursuits—such as playing music amidst flowers, capturing reflections in mirrors, composing verses at dusk, and painting eyebrows at dawn—that she enjoyed with Wang Wei. Gradually, she distanced herself from Li Bai.

In the secluded chambers of Princess Yuzhen’s villa, where Li Bai, feeling neglected, sat in solitude, Zhang Yijun came seeking his company, finding Li Bai inebriated, lost in his own mood. Together they aired grievances over cups of wine, Li Bai’s words flowing in verse anew, in a poem titled "Bitter Rain at Princess Yuzhen’s Villa, Dedicated to the Commandant of the Guards Zhang Qing: Two Verses”: “In the autumn sitting in the hall of golden tiles, the dense shade all day unlifted, Misty rain obscures colours, a whispering wind chills the air. Dim gloom upon gloom, bitter sorrow weighs heavily; How can one console oneself in this clear autumn?—with a cup brimming with white wine. Singing and playing on the guan and yue, those people have already turned to ash; I drink alone, to solace myself; who among them is truly distinguished? The swordplay is over for Master Xie; alas, there are no good fish in the pond”.

On the Qianqiu Festival, two years later, on the fifth day of the eighth month, as per tradition, Emperor Xuanzong hosted a banquet for his courtiers. However, the realm was far from peaceful, with constant disturbances along the borders by the Tubo Kingdom. This year’s Qianqiu Festival left Emperor Li Longji feeling rather gloomy and discontented.

Minister of the Imperial Secretariat, Li Linfu, had long been aware of the Emperor’s intentions. He respectfully addressed Emperor Xuanzong, saying, “Your Majesty, today marks the Qianqiu Festival, a day of eternal prosperity for the Tang Dynasty. Though many nations pay homage, the Tubo Kingdom poses no significant threat. Therefore, I propose dispatching an imperial decree from the Imperial Secretariat to Liangzhou, instructing the military governor of Hexi, Cui Xiyi, to intensify training and preparations to guard against Tubo aggression.”

Upon the arrival of the decree from the Imperial Secretariat in Liangzhou, Cui Xiyi, the military governor of Hexi, appointed a captain named Chen Gang, who was around fifty years old, to oversee the defence of Liangzhou. Chen Gang then gathered his officers and soldiers to discuss military training and preparations. Initially, he instructed the senior officials and staff officers to draft a proclamation for the campaign against Tubo. He specifically ordered them to emulate the style of the proclamation written by Chen Lin, a minister of the Three Kingdoms era, to rally support against Cao Cao, known as the “Proclamation to Yuzhou on Behalf of Yuan Shao”.

After several revisions by the senior officials and staff officers, it took them five or six days to finally complete the draft. They submitted it to Chen Gang for review. However, upon reading the draft, Chen Gang flew into a rage, pounding the table and berating the officers and officials. He scolded them, saying, “The proclamation you’ve drafted is far from the quality of Chen Lin’s proclamation against the rebels! Rewrite it!”

Zhao Yong, Senior Secretary of Palace Guards, glanced at Chen Gang’s reddened palm and thought to himself, “Goodness! Has Commander Chen’s palm turned red from pounding the table, or is it due to excess liver fire?”

With each revision presented to Chen Gang by the senior officials and staff officers, he expressed dissatisfaction. Either he found the wording lacking in vigour, or he deemed the language of the proclamation lacking in elegance. Chen Gang became so enraged that he nearly lost control, kicking over the table several times and even threatening to draw his sword and strike the heads of the senior officials and staff officers. This left everyone trembling with fear, feeling as if they were on the edge of an abyss, walking on thin ice, and unsure of how to proceed with the revisions.

After nearly three months of struggling with the proclamation against Tubo, Chen Gang remained unsatisfied. With an expression of anger, Chen Gang, military governor, declared, “Leave it be for now. We will revise it again before the official campaign against Tubo. I received a decree yesterday; the court will soon send eunuchs to inspect our army in Liangzhou. And yet, you all can’t even write a proper proclamation! Spread my order: all military officers ranked eighth-grade and above are to convene in my tent for discussion.”

In a moment, all military officers ranked eighth-grade and above had assembled in Chen Gang’s tent. Chen Gang addressed them, saying, “The court will soon send envoys to inspect our army in Liangzhou. I have already instructed the deputy military governor to draft detailed plans for military drills. All officers and soldiers must cooperate fully with the deputy military governor in executing these plans. Pay particular attention to the opening of the drills, emphasizing the Emperor’s and Minister Li’s expectations for the Western Liang Army, as well as our army’s diligent adherence to the Emperor's and Minister Li’s decrees for rigorous training.

As for the second matter, the arrival of court envoys for inspection is of great significance. The quartermaster must ensure that the envoys are well-fed during their stay with our army, and the inns must be prepared diligently. We must not neglect the importance of these imperial emissaries.”

Zhao Yong, Senior Secretary of Palace Guards, dared not voice his anger but pondered inwardly, “We are here to fight battles, not to write essays. Chen Gang is truly a damn bastard, always busy with proclamations against the enemy and military strategies, yet never actually drills the troops. If Tubo were to launch an attack against the Tang Dynasty, we would all be doomed together!”

For over half a month, the officers and soldiers eagerly awaited military drills. However, Chen Gang continued to demand revisions to the military strategies proposed by the deputy military governor. He either blamed the officers and soldiers for not cooperating adequately with the deputy military governor or criticized the lack of detail in the provided drill plans. Alternatively, he found fault with the poor writing skills and unclear language of the military officers. Both the military officers and the innkeepers’ stewards were frequently berated by Chen Gang, often receiving harsh verbal abuse. There were even instances where Chen Gang resorted to physical punishment with his whip and cudgel.

On this particular day, after being scolded by Chen Gang, Zhao Yong, returned to his tent feeling gloomy. He complained to the staff officer beside him, saying, “Commander Chen criticizes my writing as poor and my language as unclear. I am just a simple warrior, capable of drawing a bow of two hundred pounds. If I can write a few words, that’s already good enough. What’s the use of fancy writing skills? Damn it all! I’m not aiming to be the top scholar in the imperial examinations. Besides, what’s the point of writing drill strategies every day? If we don’t start training soon, Tubo will be at our doorstep.”

The staff officer replied, “Sir, do not be upset. I have heard from soldiers in the army that we have a staff officer named Yang Muzhi, originally from Jinling. He passed the imperial examinations and obtained the position of Jinshi, a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations. His father, also a talented scholar from Jinling, received high praise from the prime minister, Song Jing, for his strategies and opinions. Song Jing once presented Yang Muzhi’s father’s writings to Emperor Ruizong and the current Emperor, who was then the Crown Prince. Based on these writings, Song Jing selected loyal, upright, and virtuous individuals for government positions, earning universal admiration and approval both inside and outside the court. Why don’t you seek out Yang Muzhi to write the drill strategies in your stead?”

Zhao Yong exclaimed with delight, “Where can I find this person?” The staff officer replied, “I’ve only heard rumours and have never met him myself, so I’m not sure where he is now.” Zhao Yong declared, “I will search for him myself!”

To find out whether Zhao Yong succeeds in finding Yang Muzhi, stay tuned for the next chapter.

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