Chapter 5 Extraterrestrial Beings

Existence is hope, and hope is light. In the vast universe, the most terrifying thing would be the absence of extraterrestrial beings.

Everyone heard a scream and rushed over to see Bao Mingkai clutching his right foot with both hands, his face contorted and screaming in agony. On his right foot's thumb, there seemed to be something hanging.


As the onlookers focused their gaze, they discovered it was a strange fish tightly biting Bao's right thumb, causing blood to trickle down his ankle.


With fingers connected to the heart, no wonder Bao Mingkai was in such pain.


Just as everyone was about to help, in that instant, an arrow shot out from the lake and hit the tail of the strange fish precisely.


The crowd stared intently, realizing it wasn't an arrow but a flying fish with wings! The flying fish had long, mane-like fins on its back, resembling a horse's mane.


Presumably, the smell of blood attracted the flying fish. With its sharp fish beak, it bit the rear half of the previous strange fish, while the head of the strange fish firmly clung to Bao's thumb, creating a bizarre relay that appeared incredibly eerie.

"Look at the lake!" exclaimed Huamei in astonishment.


Everyone turned their gaze toward the lake and noticed a large group of mane-like objects swiftly swimming toward the shore.


"Oh no, we need to get away from the shore," Huamei said urgently. Huamei lifted Bao Mingkai and hurriedly walked backward, with the others following closely behind.


Sure enough, another group of flying fish shot out from the lake, like a barrage of arrows, piercing diagonally into the sandy beach where they had just been standing.


The flying fish flapped their tails, fluttering and making a chaotic clamor, creating a terrifying sight.


That was close! Huamei helped Bao Mingkai sit down and used both hands to pry open the mouth of a flying fish. Inside, they saw neatly arranged sharp teeth. He casually threw the fish onto the ground.


Immediately after, Huamei pried open the mouth of the strange fish. They saw that its teeth were equally sharp, deeply embedded in Professor Bao Mingkai's right thumb, causing him to scream in pain incessantly.

Huamei took the strange fish in her hands and examined it closely. On either side of the fish's head were two small eyes, while on its back, there was a large eye that stood upright, covering the spine, giving it an exceptionally eerie appearance.


Surprisingly, the flying fish that had just been thrown on the ground flew towards Bao Mingkai's thumb once again. Huamei swiftly slapped it down and stomped on it, burying it deep into the sand with a firm kick.


Professor Dong Yifeng took the strange fish from Huamei's hand and carefully observed it. He noticed that the three-eyed fish, once out of the water, was no longer very active, evidently relying on gills for respiration, just like fish on Earth.

"How fascinating! The structure of this fish is highly adapted to its survival," Dong Yifeng exclaimed, staring fixedly at the peculiar creature.



"The eye on its back can float on the water's surface, allowing it to observe the movements of the water, much like a periscope. If we were to go fishing, it would be difficult to catch this kind of fish," Dong Yifeng explained.


Dong Yifeng went to the spot where they had been standing earlier and caught a flying fish for further examination.


Huamei tended to Professor Bao Mingkai's wound while the others, Wang Yue and the remaining three individuals, went to the lakeside to retrieve his boots. Bao Mingkai put on his boots, and although his injured area still hurt, he managed to limp along and walk.


After a brief discussion, they decided to take Bao Mingkai into the spacecraft for proper medical treatment.

Once inside the spacecraft, Wang Yue inquired about the status of the ship's repairs from Yang Zhiyuan.


"The spacecraft suffered a severe attack similar to a powerful laser weapon. The entire propulsion system is heavily damaged, and it will take some time to fix," replied Yang Zhiyuan.



Upon being informed about Bao Mingkai’s injury situation by the crowd, Yang Zhiyuan and Zhou Ke were quite surprised.


Yang Zhiyuan glanced at the dashboard. “The spacecraft’s external measurement system shows that the gravity of this planet is only two-thirds that of Earth, and its rotational cycle is notably slow. A day on this planet is roughly equivalent to two or three days on Earth.”


Only then did the crowd realize why, despite being out for such a long time, they hadn’t noticed any significant movement of the constant star overhead.

After Professor Bao Mingkai was attacked, he astonishingly managed to make a jump about half a meter high from a semi-prone position.


Additionally, when they walked on this planet, they felt exceptionally light-footed, which clearly indicated the difference between this planetary environment and that of Earth.


Professor Dong Yifeng brought the three-eyed creatures and flying fish onto the spaceship, turning them into specimens.


Looking at satisfactorily prepared specimens, Dong enticed the three female scientists, saying, “Ladies, with Bao injured and out of exploration for now. Meanwhile, we have arrived on a marvelous planet with a biodiversity that is undoubtedly rare on Earth.

He continued, “Seeing as we are currently at a standstill and our spacecraft’s power system hasn’t fully recovered yet, why don’t we use this time to do some further exploration?”



Wang Yue, Su Ziqi, and Zheng Ya all nodded in agreement.


So, as Bao Mingkai stayed in the spaceship to recover from his injuries and the captain, Yang Zhiyuan, and the co-captain, Zhou Ke, continued repairing the spacecraft, the rest of the crew embarked once again on their adventure.


This time, they prepared to explore the forest area, where there was a stretch of grassland situated between the lakeside and the woods. The grass on this land was lush and dense.


Hua Mei first sent out a small drone to survey the surrounding terrain. A 3D image appeared on the wrist screens of everyone present, showcasing the drone’s recorded visuals.


This grassland was located between a dense forest and a large lake, with the grass becoming taller and more abundant as it neared the forest. The area was filled with fragrant greenery and the essence of spring.


Suddenly, in the 3D image, Hua Mei spotted a light-yellow unidentified object lying motionless in the grass near the forest edge.


Controlling the drone, Hua Mei lowered its altitude to about three meters above the light-yellow object, allowing everyone to see clearly that the figure lying in the grass was, in fact, a humanoid creature!





At this moment, the humanoid creature registered the presence of the drone overhead. Without showing any signs of agitation, “it” shook its head and casually rose from the grass, tipping its head upward in a fearless gaze at the drone’s camera.


The figure standing there was clearly a male of the human species. He was tall and appeared to be wearing a yellow headwrap. His attire was also yellow, a hue reminiscent of dry autumn grass that stood out noticeably against the green landscape. This sight was immediately captured by the drone.


Everyone cautiously approached this extraterrestrial, having already confirmed via the 3D imaging that he was unarmed.


After their spaceship had been attacked in an unexplained manner upon landing, and now encountering an alien, Wang Yue instructed everyone to remain vigilant.


Their hands were resting on their laser guns at their waists, prepared to respond to any sudden event.


The extraterrestrial in the distance didn’t seem panicked. He stayed rooted to the spot, simply standing there, like a king beckoning his subjects to come and see him.

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