Chapter 4 This is Earth

She clearly paused for a moment. “What is life?” she said slowly, her tone full of confusion. She had never thought about this question before, even though she lived every day, she had never thought about what life really was.



I said, “For life, whether you are present or not, it will automatically carry on and fulfill itself. You can treat it as a gift, and the only thing you can do is accept it. For me, this is the only way to control my destiny!”


Qian Mi smiled and said, “Honestly, I don’t agree with you. ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’ is my motto. But, nevertheless, you have taught me something once again. You haven’t changed at all over these years. Although I don’t agree with you, I sincerely admire you.” She sighed deliberately and said, “Our country has lost another potential leading lady!”

Pretending to be in deep thought, I then patted her shoulder and said seriously, “Superstar, do you know why I rejected you? In my past life, I was a superstar, I won every major award both domestically and internationally, and my acting skills were referred to as ‘textbook-level examples!’ Please spare me this life, I want to rest!”


Qian Mi laughed so hard that she almost fell over, pointing at me and saying, “I’m going to die laughing, you’re so narcissistic! But, just based on that scene you just did, I almost believe you were an actor in your past life!” She picked up the bottle and poured me another glass, “Cheers to such a superb performance, let’s have another!”


"Still to drink?”


“Of course!”


“Alright, cheers!”


We took a few bites of food and she suddenly remembered something, slapping her forehead and grabbing a bag from the side.

“What’s this?” I asked curiously.

“You’ll know .”

I smiled and shook my head, opening the bag. At first glance, I saw a pair of red children’s sandals, very beautiful and delicate. If someone wore these sandals, not only children, but even adults would not be able to resist taking a few more looks.

Qian Mi said as she ate, “I actually prepared a gift for Qianqian in advance, but I didn’t dare to bring it out because I didn’t know who the child was awarded to after your divorce.”

“The shoes are really beautiful and the size is just right. I’ll thank you on her behalf,” I replied.

“Hey, I’m her godmother! You know, both her name and mine have the character ‘Qian’ in them!”


“Yeah, I remember when we were naming the child, he refused to agree no matter what. You went straight to his house and scolded him. He didn’t dare to argue back. You know what? You looked like a female hero at that time! Qianqian is lucky to have you as her godmother. She always tells people at school that her mother is a Superstar.”


Qian Mi put down the oyster in her hand and comforted me, “Children are not mature enough, they have some vanity. It will be better when they grow up. Don’t take it to heart too much.”

I smiled and shook my head, “She did nothing wrong!”

Qian Mi looked at me in surprise, trying to find something on my face. After a while, she sighed, “Do you know who I admire the most? Not the wealthy and powerful businessmen, not the famous directors or investors, not even the actors who are more famous than me. It’s you!”

“Me? What’s there to admire about me? If it weren’t for you taking care of me, I would have starved to death!”


Qian Mi shook her head and said seriously, “We used to sing at the bar, and you were the pillar there. There were always various temptations and threats coming your way, but you never yielded and never sold yourself out. The  Brother of Long invited you three times, but you refused each time, and then you got into big trouble.


What impressed me the most was your smile. Your front tooth was knocked out, your eyes were bruised, and your face was swollen, but you were still smiling!


Everyone was stunned at the time, including me!  No one could understand your smile. It was not crazy or foolish, but indifferent! I really can’t figure out how you did it. Even after you left the bar, the Brother of Long didn’t bother you again.


When you got married, I was just a small actor on the 18th line, running around the set, playing a little role. But even to this day, I have attended so many luxurious and extravagant weddings, but none of them can compare to the shock you gave me. After the witness gave a long testimony, he asked if you were willing to be the wife of  Xiaomin Yu. I still remember your answer clearly, you said, ‘Xiaomin, at this moment, I am very willing to be your wife and grow old with you, but I may change my mind. I hope you know this!’


“You stunned us again and the laughter and applause in the room came to an abrupt end. I often think that your twelve years of domestic violence after the marriage began at that moment.”

I smiled faintly, “I love him so I won’t lie to him. If this is not what he wants, I can only express regret. I love what happens in reality, no matter how it manifests. I have always believed that if a person cannot marry reality, there is no real marriage for him. As for domestic violence…I have always been grateful that he never hit me in the face!”


Qian Mi didn’t say anything, I didn’t know what she was thinking. She shook the almost empty wine bottle and opened the second bottle of red wine, pouring herself another glass and drinking it.

I felt dizzy and didn’t know how much longer I could hold on. Her silence was just what I needed, and I was about to rest my head on the table for a while. Suddenly, I heard her say, “I don’t know if I should call you foolish or broad-minded. I don’t know how Xiaomin Yu  win you over, but to me, it’s just incredible.”



“If my husband didn’t work, only knew how to drink, disappear, and abuse me, let alone twelve years, I would have killed him in a week! But you, you even let him be the one to initiate the divorce and take away your assets. Haha, I…I really want to slap you, but also…also want to hug you tightly.”


She laughed with tears in her eyes and raised her glass towards me. I quickly clinked my glass with hers and drank the wine in it.

As she poured me another glass of wine, she pointed to herself and said, “Who am I? I am the famous actress Qian Mi! So many people try to get to know me and flatter me. But what about you? You never take the initiative to contact me, and I don’t ask about what you’ve been through. Sometimes, I really wonder if we are friends or if I am deluding myself. Sometimes, I hate you so much that I want to end our friendship. But I can’t help being drawn to you, obsessed with you. After a while without contact, I always want to talk to you, drink with you, and ask about your life. You have this kind of magic power.”


Although I have never agreed with your thoughts and behavior and find you unreasonable, even insane, every time you speak, I want to listen. It makes me think, question, and want to know you more. Sometimes, I really feel like I’m being self-abusive!"



I didn’t speak and didn’t know what to say. I could only accompany her and drink glass after glass of alcohol with her. While drinking, I never advised people to drink less or more. She can drink as much as she wants. It’s her freedom, and I will quietly accompany her. I listened to her ramble on about my faults, my cold-bloodedness. She had a lot of evidence, and I had nothing to say. When people dream, they always think they are right, which is more important than the truth.


Maybe it was the third or fourth glass, but she gradually changed the topic and began to talk about her work. From national policies to market environments, from the greed of investors to chaotic intimate relationships in circles, I listened in a daze.



“The power struggles in the industry and the overwhelming black materials from the audiences, I won’t say much about that. But do you know what? Even my fans comment on me, saying this is wrong, that should not be done, and collectively boycott who I work with and control the comments online, all under the guise of doing it for my own good. Even attending events and taking endorsements, they feel they have the right to interfere with everything. It’s driving me crazy!”

“They don’t understand my difficulties, and they always stand on the high ground of morality. Perhaps they think that if they become celebrities, they won’t make mistakes. Wei, don’t you think they’re ridiculous?” Speaking of this, she tapped my arm and interrupted my dazed state.

I shook my head and gradually focused my gaze on her. Her angry expression was so lovely. I drunkenly asked, “Their comments make you angry?”

“Yes, they are my fans.”

I smiled and said, “Dear, this is planet Earth.”

“What do you mean?”

“Regardless of whether you admit it or not, commenting on each other is everyone’s job here. I have never seen thoughts or words without comments. Even if you say this table in front of us, you are commenting on it. You defined it as a table. So, is it possible to think that fans should not comment on you, or should not criticize you? The truth is they are commenting on you.”

 Qian Mi was stunned for a moment and couldn’t help but laugh, “Ha ha, you’re right.”

I waved my hand, “Let them comment and do their own things, and then you can do your own thing. The Earth is a beautiful and suitable place to live as long as your mind is free and not fixed on seemingly correct but absurd beliefs.”

Qian Mi laughed and said, “I surrender, you always come up with some twisted reasoning!” She shook her neck and waved her arm, feeling a bit frustrated as she said, “There haven’t been any big productions recently, just busy with some petty things, completely forgetting to exercise, my arms and legs are getting rusty. I’ve wasted so much time!”

“Feeling like you’ve wasted time is just a thought or a belief, it’s not real, you haven’t missed out on anything.”

Qian Mi smiled and said, “I’m not too hung up on that, I just want to improve and get better and better!”

I felt dizzy and dazed and said, “The belief that you can get better is not real, you are always the best you can be, there is no need for improvement, nor is it possible.”

Next, I seemed to have fallen asleep, but in the haze, I heard her ask me, “Wei, to be honest, do you like the money?”

I instinctively said, “Of course I do, money is Dao! I don’t think I have anything to possess, so what in the world can’t I like?” I said something else afterward, and it seems that she asked something else, but I don’t remember.


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