Chapter 4 Elsa

Mrs. Garden, originally name Elsa, changed her name to Elsa Garden after marrying into the Garden family, taking her husband's surname. I looked at Elsa Garden and then at Sofia, questioning, "Did you two recognize me from the start?"


Elsa nodded with a smile, "Of course! Did you really think you're so handsome that I would willingly serve you without question?"


I turned to Sofia with a chuckle, but she only blushed and remained silent. Feeling the atmosphere becoming awkward, I said, "I'm starving, Mrs. Garden. Since you invited me for a meal, let's order some food."


Elsa glanced at Sofia, who quickly left the room, leaving just the two of us. Elsa laughed, "Young man like you, how did you earn the nickname Sir Beaumont? At first, I thought you were a man in his fifties or sixties."


I laughed, "The title Sir Beaumont was actually a nickname given by your husband, Charlie Garden. It just stuck. Here you are, such a charming lady, calling me Sir. It did sound comfortable."


Elsa looked at me with a beaming smile, "Beaumont, you're so handsome it leaves people speechless. Do you have a girlfriend?"


I shook my head, grinning, "I must confess to you, Mrs. Garden, that I've been kicked out by my family and am homeless. How could I have a girlfriend in such a situation?"


Elsa smirked, her expression incredibly alluring. Just looking at her flower-like smile was enough to be sexy, regardless of her figure. At that moment, Sofia returned, nodded to Elsa, indicating that the order was placed, and then left the room without even a glance in my direction. Surprised, I looked at Elsa, who said with a smile, "Sofia has to get back to work, so I'll be accompanying you today."


Unable to refuse her enthusiasm, and although I had spent more time with Sofia, it wasn't as if I was indispensable to her. I figured food and drink were enough, and it didn't matter who was with me. I picked up the chopsticks and started eating, as Elsa poured me a glass of red wine.


Without hesitation, I took a sip and asked, "Is this red wine from your Garden family?"


Elsa nodded, "Yes, our family is involved in secret realm expeditions and other businesses, including our own winemaking."


After she spoke, she clinked her glass with mine. Her scarlet lips lightly touched the rim of the glass before she set it down and said, "Sir Beaumont, could you tell me about the mysterious disappearance of my late husband five years ago?"


I was taken aback, as that part of the past had been buried and my uncle and I didn't even like to think about it. Now that Elsa brought it up, I was quite upset. Coldly, I replied, "Mrs. Garden, the disappearance of Charlie Garden was indeed bizarre. My uncle and I wanted to leave the cave and stop exploring, but your husband insisted on going alone."


After saying this, I drained the wine glass in one go.


Seeing my impatience, Elsa didn't press further but said with a smile, "Sir, there's no need to be angry. If you don't wish to speak of it, I won't pry. I just have a small request: when you depart, please take me with you. I promise not to disappoint you or your uncle."


I nodded and asked, "May I inquire about something?"


She smiled, "Please, Sir Beaumont, go ahead."


I said, "Why are you so insistent on joining us for the secret realm expedition? Wouldn't it be happier to live quietly at home, raising children, instead of taking such risks?"


She looked out the window at the sunlight and said, "Sir Beaumont, I must tell you that. First, I have no children. And second, I don't enjoy a quiet life. Like you and your uncle, I too crave the thrill of adventure."


Having heard her mention my uncle for the third time, I asked with a smile, "Mrs. Garden, are you well-acquainted with my uncle?"


She suddenly fell silent, and when she met my gaze again, her eyes held a hint of melancholy, with a glimmer of tears. "Let's not speak of him, alright?" she said. "Oh, by the way, would you prefer to stay in a hotel or at my home?"


I looked at her and said, "Why would I stay at your home? I think a hotel is just fine!"


She met my gaze and said, "Since Charlie Garden's disappearance, my in-laws passed away two years ago, and there's no one else at home except me and Sofia. Oh, and my own parents have moved in as well."


I stared at her, surprised, and said, "Lady, if you want to see my uncle, just be straightforward about it. I can call him, and he'll come. Do you believe that?"


She looked at me in disbelief. I took out my phone as if to call my uncle, but shr stopped me, "No, what are you calling for? If he wanted to see me, he wouldn't need you to call him, right? Forget it, don't call."


I chuckled, "Lady,  Garden family's young mistress, let's part ways after dinner. When I'm ready, I'll notify you. How's that?" I'd repeated this a few times already, mainly to fill the silence.


She nodded and suddenly said with a smile, "I'm inviting you to be a guest at my home. Can't you give me the courtesy of accepting?"


I hesitated for a moment and said, "Lady, I've come to Turku City in distress, not for a vacation. How could I refuse your invitation?"

Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she raised her glass, "To you, cheers!" She drained the glass in one gulp, exuding a bold and spirited air.


"One more question," I said after putting down my glass, "How did Sofia know I was starving and went out of her way to buy bread for me?"


Elsa thought for a moment and then laughed, "As soon as you arrived in Turku City, your uncle called me, saying you'd been kicked out by your father and ended up here. He asked me to take care of you but not too obviously, as he was afraid you'd refuse. It seems your uncle knows you well!"


A warm feeling welled up inside me. My uncle had always been kind to me, treating me like his own child. But my father was extremely strict, and even my uncle, his own brother, was a bit afraid of him.


"In that case, I'll stay at your place and see how long my father can make things difficult for me!" I said with a smile, "But this also gives my uncle a reason to visit you whenever he wants."


A blush spread across Elsa’s  face, making her fair complexion even more attractive.


She said with a smile, "Sir Beaumont, let's keep things unsaid, shall we? After dinner, you'll come home with me, and whenever you're ready to venture into the secret realm, we'll set off, alright?"


I nodded and fell silent, quickly finishing my meal while Elsa watched quietly from her chair. At that moment, I wondered what she truly thought. Although I had shared life-and-death experiences with her husband, I had returned alive, while her husband was lost. Logically, she should have considered us her enemies, but instead, she treated me like an old friend.


No doubt, she had a better relationship with my uncle, I mused to myself with a grin.


As Elsa led me out of the room, Sofia was standing right outside the door, like a bodyguard. Surprised, I looked at Elsa who said with a smile, "When the master is talking, the attendant naturally waits outside. Is there anything strange about that?"


I turned to look at Sofia, but she didn't even glance my way and walked downstairs.

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