Chapter 5: Don't you have any sense of decency left?

  "What did you say, toilet?"

  "Now the big brothers of the club, are they all fucking poor and crazy!"

  "Are you fucking kidding me?"

  "It's only 50 cents for a person to go to the toilet once, and the two clubs summoned so many people just to go and grab a toilet?"

  "As for that?"

  "What do you think you're doing now, every day, with a little bit of business?"

  En Gong was very puzzled to the phone on the other end of the En Joon a meal of contempt plus ridicule, at this moment this when the son of the son is not at all face to his father ah.

  "Why are you cursing like a shrew, where is the quality of your college students, can you calm down a little."

  "You know nothing!"

  "Do you know how much traffic there is in the downtown area in a day, usually have to queue up to go to the toilet, if you don't know what it means to sell at a low profit, don't be blind."

  "It's not on the same level, I can't explain it to you, you kids don't have any business brain cells."

  "You're just like your own mother."

  En Joon gave a good lecture to his son.

  Actually, he did it on purpose, he just wanted the aside Zhao Ling to hear that he was talking about a big 'utility' business at the moment... There was also the implication that Zhao Ling, she was so much better than his ex-wife.

  Bushwa!These two women difference of twenty years, you do not have a little bit of pussy!

  "You say I don't have business acumen, I buy and sell girls' contact information at school, do you know how much money I've made."

  En Gong immediately retorted to En Joon on the other end of the phone.

  Were things really like En Gong said?

  In fact, En Gong couldn't pick up a single girl in school, so he simply sold all those girls' information. To say that he earned money, he really earned money, but how did he feel that he was more scummy than his dad and also unethical...

  "I don't have your level, I won't earn money for shit and piss."

  "Take care of yourself, hang up, I don't want to talk to you about useless things."

  "Just because of a toilet, I'm ashamed to hear it!"

  "If others see those hundreds of people shouting at each other in front of the toilet, those who don't know will only think that you're all suffocating like what? What's the point of fighting over a toilet?"

  "You konw that you are losing face?"

  When En Gong finished speaking, before waiting for the opposite side to reply, he hung up his phone contact with his dad.

  Zhao Ling, who was standing at the side and had been listening to those two fathers and sons bickering, also sighed helplessly. It couldn't be helped who made both of them very odd people, a rogue father raising a scum son, this if she married into the En family in the future, then her life would really be unimaginable.

  "En Gong ah, in fact, listen to a word of advice from your sister."

  "You and your father are both people with a sense of justice and a kind heart."

  "Otherwise there wouldn't be so many neighbours who don't dislike you two, and they all love you two."

  "But why are you two usually always at loggerheads?"

  "Your kind of temperament where neither of you defies the other, sooner or later, you're going to suffer a great loss."

  "If you are a family in this life, you have to cherish it, because in the next life we will all be strangers."

  "This is something that sister knows well."

  To say this persuasion, it was better for a great beauty like Zhao Ling to say it, and the En Gong who was still angry with his dad just now immediately looked at Zhao Ling with a smile on his face.

  "I'll leave first, Sister Zhao Ling."

  "Do what you like, I just need to live well for myself now, what do I care about others."

  "I'm just a selfish person, no one looks up to me, including that old guy in my house."

  "In his eyes, I'm just an invalid who can't do anything big enough to make others look up to me."

  After saying that, En Gong gave Zhao Ling a goodbye gesture before turning back towards the street.

  Is it really so difficult for these two fathers and sons to get along? In fact, it is not like that, since he grew up in a single-parent family, En Gong has never really experienced the love of his mother, plus his father, who is not in tune with his father, goes out every day to help people to get even and doesn't care about him at all. This father's love and mother's love have not experienced, but not to raise his own now this kind of temper and character.

  On the streets of the northern city, the bustling scene of traffic appears to be extraordinarily busy people in this city. Pedestrians are walking anxiously, vehicles are also fast driving around, everything seems so hurried. The only exception was En Gong, who was still loitering on the street like a street urchin.

  En Gong was walking alone on the sidewalk on one side of the road, deep in thought because of what he had just said himself.

  "Bad at studies, no womaniser, no good at anything, am I really a loser?

  "Can't this Lord Yama, who is in charge of reincarnation, find me a good family?"

  "Even if it's not the richest man in the country, how can you let me be born in the richest family in North Metropolis."

  "This is good, not to mention being the second generation of the rich, I have nothing, and I still dream of being asked for my life by your old man every day."

  "It's so unfair, I am at a loss for words ."

  Just when he was still full of complaints that fate was unfair to him, suddenly from behind came two gloomy chills that landed on his shoulders.

  "Who... Who is it?"

  En Gong turned his head back with great vigilance, only to see that there was no one behind him.

  "Holy shit what's going on, it can't be an illusion."

  "It does seem that the frequent nightmares over the past few days have kind of made me mentally deranged."

  It must not be an illusion because you have been targeted by something.

  "Somebody help!"


  Suddenly, a woman's cry for help came from the direction across the road. From the sound, one could tell that something big was definitely going on there, so En Gong's heart, which always wanted to gossip about things and find out what was going on, began to stir again.

  "Hey... There's hilarity to watch."

  "How can that be without my lord."

  When En Gong saw that the signal light had turned green, he quickly ran across the road to watch the action.

  This sudden hustle and bustle made him forget everything in an instant when he was still in a low mood, he was really a heartless person, remembering fast and forgetting fast!

  After En Gong ran to the opposite side of the road, suddenly two men appeared out of nowhere from where he was standing. These two men, one in a white suit and one in a black suit, were talking to each other while looking at En Gong across the road.

  The black suit man said.

  "Big brother, why did you just pull his shoulder and save his life?"

  "Just now he was obviously in the middle of a walk and could have been hit by that bus."

  "You forget what we're here for!"

  "If you can't finish what the boss told you to do, you'll have to explain yourself."

  The man in the white suit replied.

  "Don't worry, second brother."

  "Even if I didn't pull him just now, he wouldn't have survived five minutes."

  "Today, that's the day he reaches the point in this life."

  "Besides, in case he gets hit and bloodied, you don't mind getting dirty by taking him on the road!"

  "Our clothes are very expensive, how much does dry cleaning cost?"

  "You don't know how shady the dry cleaners run by Sister Meng are, one dry cleaning is enough to pay us seven days' salary."

  "We'll be working for nothing for a week."

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