Prologue: Blooming Meteor

At night, the round of end-of-service singing came from the small town church. A stream of light jumped across the clouds, leaving a lavender light trail. Traces of light drifted faintly into the gaps in the clouds, shaking and collapsing into bright spots of light. The spots absorbed all the traces of light, bursting out with some kind of power, blooming into cascading petals in the night sky. The petals scattered in all directions, and purple flames ignited at the tips, lighting up the sea of clouds, mysterious and enchanting. But somehow, as if afraid of being seen, the flower hurriedly dispersed into a mist of light, and the light purple disappeared between the sky and the earth, with only a few remaining outlines reflected in a pair of children's eyes. Then the stars in the sky shook, and suddenly it fell like rain. Pedestrians on the Flower Clock Square were all looking up at the meteor above their heads and marveling at them.

"Baby, We're going home!"

The little girl sat stunned at the door of the church. She only came back to her senses from the initial magical scene when she heard her mother's soft call. She asked her mother if she had seen a purple flower, a strange and special kind. The mother smiled helplessly - in this small town hidden among the endless sea of flowers, thousands of flowers can be seen all year round, including countless purple flowers. How could the mother know which one is her daughter asking about? But the little girl refused to give up and continued to say in her tender and trilling child voice: "It's the one in the sky! As soon as that flower blooms, the stars fall down!"

The mother looked at the sky, but the purple flowers had long disappeared, and even the meteor shower had stopped.

"I didn't see it. The mother has been playing in the church! I saw a few meteor when I first came out."


"It's those stars that fell from the sky!" The mother smiled and stroked her daughter's hair.

The little girl was unwilling to give in. She blinked her big eyes and asked her mother: "Did Dad see it?"

Dad probably doesn't either, doesn't he play with mom? "

"Then where had dad gone?"

"He is helping the pastor pack his instruments. Let's go home first." As she spoke, the mother turned to look at the flower clock in the square.

"Musical instruments? Are they the 'big monkey' and the 'little hoof'?"

The daughter's milky voice made her mother laughable, so she quickly corrected her: "Those are the harp and the violin."

"Oh, 'Big harp ' and 'Little violin '." The little girl lowered her head and muttered to herself.

"There's no 'big', and it's 'fiddle' not ''Little violin '!"

"Oh, it's the 'no big' harp and violin."

The mother and daughter just exchanged words with each other, chatting and walking on the fragrant boulevard. Until the little girl got tired, the mother hugged her and sat on a bench by the roadside to take a nap. The fragrance of wisteria flowers drifts with the wind, making people feel more comfortable and at ease.

"Is the child asleep?" The father came over and asked softly.

"Well, she spent too much time playing with the kids this afternoon, so she is tired."

"Then let's sit for a while. Maybe we can wait for a few more meteor!" The father sat on the bench, raised his face and put down his tired body.

"By the way, did you see the meteor shower just now? I heard someone said that the meteor shower was so lively when we were praying!" Well, let's catch up. Hey, hubby, have you heard that there is a purple flower in the sky? Our children were asking about it just now!"

"Flowers? There shouldn't be any. Everyone is talking about meteor." The father thought thoughtfully, "But it is indeed a bit strange. Everyone I met along the way said that the meteor shower was very spectacular, but it only lasted for one song, so I didn't even have time to watch it..."

During the conversation, a gust of evening wind blew by, and the rustling of leaves and the chirping of insects woke up the sleeping child. She looked up at the sky, only to see an imperceptible lavender halo around the moon, just like the scene she had just seen in her dream - in that unclear but extremely weird dream, the moon was covered in purple. surrounded by a halo. The pedestrian under the moon has an expressionless face and his body is covered with strange flowers. And in the gaps between the petals, the pedestrians' bodies were still glowing with a faint light...

But the little girl couldn't understand this dream. She just thought that everyone brought flowers with them just to look good. After all, this town is full of flowers, and everyone loves flowers. Thinking of this, she picked up a few fallen flowers and scattered them on the edge of her skirt.

"Hey, the child is awake, let's go home!"

"Let's go!"

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