Chapter 1: Flower Clock

1. The only observerThe first ray of morning light jumped out of the east valley, passed through the mist scattered in the mountain stream, and gently embraced the entire Flower Time Town. The morning bells rang in the church, and there were more and more pedestrians on the street. The town was silent all night, and then became lively again.The industrious gardener held up a pair of big scissors and carefully trimmed the flower bed. He arranged different types of flowers into high and low shapes with distinct layers. Whenever some petals fell quietly, he would catch them with his fingers and put them to the tip of his nose to smell the fragrance.Following the direction of the flower fragrance, the doctor in the clinic were asking the patients about their conditions. From time to time, he would take out his newly invented stethoscope and use the stick-like thing to listen carefully to the patient's heart sounds.The days in Flower Time Town are always so peaceful, and everyone is doing the things at hand as calmly as usual. The old people responsible for the "news business" gathered together in two or three and exchanged their wishes for the meteor shower last night. What's interesting is that everyone thinks that other people's wishes are higher than their own, just like other people's children are always smarter than their own. So the sound of slapping legs in annoyance came and went, resounding throughout the streets and alleys.The crowd is still bustling, but the gaps in the flow of people are like corners that no one pays attention to. A little girl walked through the scene and sneaked out while her parents were cleaning up the flower room at home. She had the pocket money she had saved in her pocket and planned to go to the cake shop to buy two flower cakes to satisfy her craving. In the long queue in front of the cake shop, everyone was talking about how spectacular the sky was last night, but no one mentioned the purple flower that bloomed in front of the meteor shower. However, this incident did not generate too many thoughts in the little girl's mind, and even the remaining doubts were completely washed away by the sweet flower cake. After having a full stomach and wandering around for a while, the bored little girl sat on the steps of the church door again, staring at the opening and closing flower clock opposite in a daze. It was not until the noon bell rang that the pastor who was about to go out reminded her to remember to go back home early. "Hey, pastor uncle, why are you unhappy?" The little girl's eyes were big and bright, but she couldn't see through the worry behind the pastor's brow.The pastor sighed, the bells stopped ringing, the flower clock on the square opposite turned and opened and closed, and a few flowers withered and withered - how is this possible?That flower clock is far older than Flower Time Town. It is completely natural and has existed since ancient timesIn ancient times, this flower clock was different from what it is now. At that time, there were no artificially placed twelve numerical monuments around it. The black stone ring surrounded by the monuments was its original boundary. This border is round and flawless, nested into concentric circles with the equally round white stone flower bed in the center, with large circles within small circles. From a distance, it looks like the wild garlands of chrysanthemums at the door of the church. Between the large and small circles, there are twelve fan-shaped flower ridges extending from the central flower bed to the outer stone ring, like twelve non-rotating hands, covering the clock dial with the central flower bed as its axis. Each flower ridge is staggered with two different kinds of flowers, each with no more or no less, exactly one thousand branches. There are 24 types of flowers growing on the twelve flower ridges. In addition to the 1,000 roses on the central flower bed, there are as many as 25 kinds and a total of 25,000
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