Chapter Four A Heart-to-Heart Chat Over Dinner, Three Form a Brotherhood

  Upon hearing the waiter mention pouring two cups of ten-year-old Fen wine, Fang Yichen felt a bit reluctant and said to the waiter:

  “Bring over two jars, and you'll get your share of the money for the drinks.”

  The young man replied nonchalantly: “Alright, I’ll make do with it.”

  Soon, various dried fruits and candied treats were brought to the table. Fang Yichen and Guo Jing tasted each item, all of which were delicious and new to them.

  Fang Yichen had tried many kinds of preserved fruits before, but those were all mass-produced and contained a lot of artificial flavors and preservatives, lacking the natural taste and texture found in these.

  The young man spoke eloquently at the drinking table, sharing stories of the people and customs of the southern regions. Fang Yichen had also brushed up on the history and customs of the Southern Song Dynasty before, so he was able to keep up with the conversation.

  Moreover, he cleverly adapted some worldly wisdom from his future life to entertain the other two.

  Guo Jing along with the young man listened with great interest. When the young man reached an exciting point in his story, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter, displaying an extremely innocent demeanor.

  The young man couldn't help but admire Fang Yichen to some extent. He had initially thought of him as a rich young man with just good looks and a good family background.

  But now he found him to be refined and knowledgeable, which left a favorable impression on him.

  Following his master’s instructions not to reveal his true identity, Guo Jing only shared some interesting experiences such as hunting, archery, horseback riding, and shepherding, which the young man found quite amusing.

  The young man ate very little and claimed to be full after just a few bites. The waiter silently cursed Fang Yichen:

  “You fool, this kid has attached himself to you!”

  However, Fang Yichen and Guo Jing being hearty eaters, easily finished all the food ordered without any worry. The sight left the waiter wide-eyed and speechless.

  When it came time to settle the bill, it totaled three hundred and eighty-nine taels and five mace of silver.

  Fang Yichen took out a gold ingot to pay the bill, in addition to the one he had given earlier. These two gold ingots could be exchanged for five hundred taels of silver.

  The shopkeeper returned one hundred and ten taels and five mace of silver, but Fang Yichen only took back one hundred taels and used the rest as a reward.

  The shopkeeper and the waiter were both very happy and respectfully escorted the three men out of the shop.

  As they stepped outside, the street was filled with wind and snow.

  The young man bowed and said: “Thank you both for your company! Farewell!”

  Seeing that the young man was dressed lightly, Fang Yichen immediately took off his sable coat put it on the young man, and said:

  “Young brother, we’ve hit it off, so please take this coat.” He then took out four gold ingots and placed them in the pocket of the sable coat.

  The young man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “I haven’t yet asked for your esteemed name, elder brother.”

  Fang Yichen laughed and said:

  “I almost forgot to introduce myself. My surname is Fang, and my name is Yichen. This is Guo Jing. And what is your name, brother?”

  The young man didn’t look at Guo Jing, but instead fixed his dark and shining eyes on Fang Yichen without blinking and said:

  “My surname is Huang, and I’m called Rong.”

  Upon hearing this, a beautiful smile appeared on Fang Yichen’s lips as he said to him:

  “Brother, are you heading home now? If there’s nothing urgent, would you be willing to travel with me?”

  Huang Rong suddenly burst into tears and Fang Yichen asked anxiously:

  “Why are you crying, brother?” As he spoke, he took out a clean white handkerchief and wiped away his tears.

  Huang Rong didn’t stop him. She let him wipe away the tears from his face, shook her head with a smile breaking through her tears, and extended her warm and tender hands, holding onto Fang Yichen’s hand, and said:

  “Since I have nothing else to do, I’ll accompany you and travel together!”

  Fang Yichen smiled slightly at Huang Rong, then turned to Guo Jing and asked: “Brother, do you have any plans now?”

  “Me?... brother, my master asked me to go to the capital to handle some matters before.”

  Guo Jing might be simple-hearted, but he wasn’t foolish.

  He dared not mention the matter of Genghis Khan sending him to the capital to assassinate the Prince of Jin, Wanyan Honglie. Instead, he simply said his master asked him to go to the capital for some tasks.

  Fang Yichen pretended to ponder for a moment before saying:

  “Alright! Then let’s go to the capital together and have some fun!”

  Three people and one horse wouldn’t be enough, so they inquired with the innkeeper about the location of a nearby horse market, which wasn’t far away.

  Seeing Huang Rong still barefoot, Fang Yichen led her and Guo Jing to a clothing store in the market and spent twenty silver taels to buy her two sets of clothes from head to toe.

  Huang Rong was deeply moved but said nothing. After she changed into the new clothes at the store, the three of them went to the nearby horse market together.

  Guo Jing had spent a long time in the Mongolian desert and was very familiar with horses. He volunteered to pick two good horses for Fang Yichen and Huang Rong.

  Although the horses in the Jin Dynasty were much cheaper than in the Song Dynasty at this time, these two horses were still high-quality ones, and it cost Fang Yichen two hundred taels of silver to buy them.

  The three of them mounted the horses and headed straight for the capital.

  Although Huang Rong rarely rode horses, her martial arts were excellent, and she handled the horse with ease.

  During the summer vacation in college, Fang Yichen had once visited the grasslands with an Inner Mongolian classmate.

  At that time, his classmate had also taught him how to ride a horse. Although he wasn’t very proficient, with his current abilities, he could ride skillfully in just a moment.

  Guo Jing and Huang Rong were amazed and Guo Jing thought to himself:

  “Brother is amazing. Just now, he could barely control the horse, but now he can ride like the wind. It’s as if he has been practicing horsemanship for years!”

  In fact, Fang Yichen had deliberately fallen behind during the journey, avoiding the sight of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and took the opportunity when there was no one else around to store the horses in his personal space.

  In his personal space, he forcefully tamed the horses and practiced for some time before he could skillfully control them and ride like the wind.

  Since he had slowed down the flow of time in the world of the Legend of the Condor Heroes and his personal space, even though several days had passed in the space, when he came out, it was still the moment he had entered the space.

  As they traveled, the three of them became more and more compatible.

  Suddenly, Fang Yichen said: “My two esteemed brothers, since we get along so well, why don’t we become sworn brothers and sisters?”

  Huang Rong and Guo Jing were in high spirits and readily agreed. So, they dismounted by the roadside, picked up some soil as incense, and knelt to take the oath.

  Fang Yichen said: “Under the heaven, I am Fang Yichen!”

  “I am Huang Rong!”

  “I am Guo Jing!”

  The three of them said together:

  “We pledge to be sworn brothers of different surnames. In the future, we shall share blessings and face hardships together. We may not be born on the same day, month, or year, but we aspire to die on the same day, month, and year!”

  After saying this, the three of them bowed in the eight directions: east, south, west, north, southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast, one by one, and then the ceremony concluded!

  This is known as the ceremony of the eight bows, a bond of brotherhood witnessed by the heavens and the earth.

  Fang Yichen smiled warmly at Guo Jing and Huang Rong, saying: “I have lived through twenty-four spring and autumns. May I ask how old you two are this year?”

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