Chapter 1 A bizarre death

  Zhang Gan’s telephone rings suddenly.

  He hurriedly looked. It’s Huang Pingqiang. Thanks god.

  “Hello, is that Zhang Gan?” The voice of a middle-aged man came from the other side of the phone.

  It’s not Huang Pingqiang.

  “Yes, this is Zhang Gan. Who’s that?” Zhang Gan panicked a little.

  “This is Dinghai Branch, I’d like to hear something from you, can you come to the precinct?”

  Dinghai Branch? Oh, my god! What happened?

  “Uh, I’m…” Zhang Gan is so nervous.

  “You go downstairs now, I’ll wait for you downstairs in the hotel.” The phone hangs up.

  Zhang Gan is dumbfounded. The precinct used Huang Pingqiang’s phone to call himself, what the hell is going on?

  He hurriedly run downstairs. A police car is parked in front of the hotel. Two men in police uniforms get out of the car. A middle-aged man walks up to him.

  “Zhang Gan?”

  He nodded.

  “I’m Team Liu of Dinghai Branch, and I called you just now.”


  “Then get in the car.”

  Zhang Gan is about to get in the car, Qimei Dorjee comes from a distance.

  “You didn’t do that, did you?” Dorjee whispers in his ear. Two policemen watched him warily.

  “What’s up?” Zhang Gan is confused.

  “I just heard someone on the street says that Huang Pingqiang died last night.”

  “Huang Pingqiang was killed in the hospital last night, do you know?” In Team Liu’s office, Team Liu talks to Zhang Gan ‘kindly’.

  “I…I don’t know.” Zhang Gan is completely stunned.

  “When did you leave the hospital last night?”

  “I arrived at the hotel at one thirty.”

  “Who can prove it?”

  “The front desk worker.” Zhang Gan suddenly seems to have found a life-saving straw.

  “Write down everything you just said.”

  Team Liu hands him a stack of paper, then lits a cigarette. From the smoke, Zhang Gan sees his high-speed brain.

  “Huang…How…How did Huang Pingqiang die?” After writing, Zhang Gan stammers and asks.

  “Suffocate, he was killed with a pillow.” Team Liu passes him some photos. In the photo, Huang Pingqiang's eyes were wide open, his expression was grim, and there was congestion at his nostrils. A pillow was thrown aside.

  "The nurse discovered it early in the morning without any fingerprints. The time of death was between one and two last night," Liu said slowly, continuing to observe his expression.

  That is to say, I left the hospital about one o'clock last night, and then Huang Pingqiang was killed by the killer! Why is it so coincidental?

  At the moment, a police officer walked in and said something in Liu's ear. Liu frowned and stood up.

  "Alright, Zhang Gan, that's all for today's situation. You can go back. I will get in touch with you if there's any progress."

  Zhang Gan nodded and stood up, he walked out the door trembly.


  Before Zhang Gan arrived in L city, he had already heard of many legends about the Butuo Palace.

  Some people say that half of the gold in the country was here at that time, which is not an exaggeration, because this building was built with 30 tons of gold and 100000 gemstones! By conversion, these 30 tons of gold are worth over 9 billion yuan, plus over 100000 pieces of jewelry and gemstones in this palace, the total price will add up to an astronomical figure.

  When Zhang Gan was in junior high school, he often heard from his history teacher that many people regarded the Butuo Palace as their dream place to go. People all yearn to go to L city to pay homage to the Butuo Palace, and those who go there will walk step by step towards their dreams on the road.

  Because in areas where Tibetan Buddhism is prevalent, worship is a devout Buddhist ritual for believers and followers. Many people walk for several months, with thick calluses on their hands and feet, and some even have wounds that cannot heal. A large amount of fresh blood flows out from the worn wounds every day.

  Zhang Gan thought to himself: This is the power of faith!

  In an unknown small village, Zhang Gan was lucky to meet his Tibetan compatriot in his forties - Bianba Ciren, a renowned hunter.

  The two of them walked for a long time to pay their respects in L city this time. They had eaten all the things they had brought before, and then they begged all the way. But the things he begged for were all vegetarian, it didn't matter because Zhang Gan got used to living in poverty. But for Bianba Ciren, he mainly ate meat in his daily life. As the days of worship grew longer, he increasingly missed the meat such as wild boars and rabbits that could be eaten in the village.

  Not every place on the plateau has forests, and it is really difficult for Bianba Ciren to hunt. Because in the places without forests, there will definitely be fewer wild animals.

  Unexpectedly, on this day, they suddenly saw a large forest!

  Zhang Gan and Bianba Ciren were both pleasantly surprised!

  When Bianba Ciren came out of the village, he always carried a set of hunting tools with him and never left. His set of tools, like the vast majority of Tibetan hunters, including bows and arrows.

  As soon as he saw the forest, Bianba Ciren said to Zhang Gan, "Alright, little brother, we can have some meat to eat!" As he spoke, Bianba Ciren took off his bow and arrow from his body and took Zhang Gan's hand into the forest.

  Bianba Ciren is an experienced hunter, and of course he knows where to go hunting. Zhang Gan followed behind him, watching Bianba Ciren tightly grasp the bow and arrow in his hand. Bianba Ciren started practicing archery from a young age. He not only needs to choose the type and age of bamboo when making bows and arrows, but also has standard specifications for the length and thickness of the bows and arrows. The selection and production process of arrow shafts and feathers are also very particular. So, Bianba Ciren's bows and arrows are also considered relatively good among Tibetan hunters.

  Bianba Ciren's muscles were tightly stretched on the bowstring!

  Along the way, he had reduced the killing of animals due to going to worship, but the dietary habits he had developed over the years made him feel very greedy, so he couldn't control himself and was eager to find wild animals.

  Not long after, Bianba Ciren saw a small, snow-white object wriggling not far away. Based on years of experience, Bianba Ciren thought to himself, it is highly likely that this is a rabbit! So he lifted his bow and aimed towards the target.

  Bianba Ciren's arms are getting harder and harder, and the bow is getting tighter and tighter! I only heard a snap, and the arrow shot out like lightning!

  Zhang Gan watched the arrow plopped into the grass.

  He quickly stepped forward.

  Zhang Gan opened the grass and saw Bianba Ciren's arrow nailed to the ground. Moreover, there is a rabbit on the arrow.

  Zhang Gan turned around happily and shouted to Bianba Ciren, "I've hit it, I've hit it!"

  Bianba Ciren walked over with a smile on his face.

  But Zhang Gan was suddenly stunned!

  Originally, Zhang Gan saw another snow-white thing suddenly appeared next to the arrow! This little thing is very small, short, and beautiful! Zhang Gan took a look, and he knew it was a pan sheep!

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