Chapter 4 Mysterious masked man

  Seeing Zhang Gan staring at him, he moved his body a little farther away from Zhang Gan, and then said, "I'm sorry!" The red-faced man was plainly dressed, his facial expression looked reverent, he looked like he was about forty years old, and he looked well-defined.

  Zhang Gan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I bumped into you just now." ”

  The red-faced man smiled tolerantly, looked at Zhang Gan, and seemed to want to say something to Zhang Gan, but his mouth moved, and in the end he didn't say it, so he went inside with the flow of people.

  Behind the butter lamp is the main entrance of the main hall of Huimeng Temple, from which the earliest buildings of Huimeng Temple began. The courtyard outside was built and expanded later, and this main hall was built more than 1,000 years ago. Due to years of friction among believers, the stone floor at the entrance has become as bright as a mirror.

  For a period of time, Zhang Gan knew almost every place in the Huimeng Temple very well. After walking around the Huimeng Temple, I went out to the main hall. There are more than 300 prayer wheels here, one next to the other. Pushing the prayer wheel while walking is a must-do for many devout believers.

  On the side of the prayer wheel, Zhang Gan walked as he went, preparing to turn the prayer wheel with one hand.

  As soon as Zhang Gan's hand touched a prayer wheel, a person gently patted him on the shoulder. He turned around and saw that the person who patted him on the shoulder was the red-faced man just now.

  He smiled embarrassedly at Zhang Gan, and then asked, "Little brother, I'm sorry again, I want to ask you a question." ”

  Zhang Gan looked at him: "You say, don't be polite!" ”

  "Looks like you're not a local either, are you?"

  Zhang Gan nodded.

  "It's my first time in L City, and I don't know a lot about it. I just saw so many prayer wheels here, and I want to turn them too, but I don't know how, so I want to ask you about them! ”

  "Oh, that's the problem!" Zhang Gan smiled and said: "There are no special requirements for the turning method of the prayer wheel, as long as you walk in a clockwise direction and move it in a clockwise direction with your hand." ”

  "I see!" The red-faced man said, "I'm just afraid that I'll make a mistake and make the Buddha angry." ”

  "Yes, the meaning of the prayer wheel is to pin your expectations for a happy life in the future, and even your longing for your next life, on this wheel that gives people infinite reverie. If you turn it wrong, there is no good hope. ”

  "Looks like you're right!" As he spoke, he and Zhang Gan went one after the other, turning the prayer wheel with their hands.

  Because they had to be pious when they turned their prayers, neither of them spoke again. After a while, Zhang Gan and the red-faced man were finished.

  "Then I ask you one more thing, I don't know if it's okay?" The red-faced man suddenly said to Zhang Gan in a very serious tone.

  "What's the matter?" Zhang Gan is a little wondering.

  I just arrived in L City yesterday, I don't know the place well, I just heard you say that you are very familiar with the local area, I don't know if you can be a private tour guide for me for a while? The red-faced man said.

  "Private guide?" Zhang Gan was stunned.

  "Yes. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly, little brother! The red-faced man said.

  "Ha, it's not about money." "I'm just worried that I won't be able to do this job." ”

  "What's not to be done? I just saw your behavior, I think it's definitely OK! The red-faced man said eagerly, for fear that Zhang Gan would not agree.

  "But you don't know me as a person, do you?"

  "You don't know me either, do you? Haha, let's just get to know each other slowly? The red-faced man replied, "By the way, my name is Huang Pingqiang, what about you?" ”

  "My name is Zhang Gan." Zhang Gan says to him.

  "Well, we'll know each other!" Huang Pingqiang stretched out his hand and shook hands with Zhang Gan.

  Zhang Gan also held Huang Pingqiang's hand. When holding Huang Pingqiang's hand, Zhang Gan didn't know how happy he was. Originally, he planned to find a job nearby after transferring to Huimeng Temple, but he didn't expect that he hadn't gone out to look for it, and the job was already there.

  Zhang Gan really didn't expect it.

  Huang Pingqiang looked at Zhang Gan and asked again: "Then when can you go to work, little brother?" ”

  Zhang Gan replys: "Anytime, Mr. Huang." ”

  "Okay, I wonder if you can start working as a private tour guide for me now?" Huang Pingqiang said.

  "Of course!" Zhang Gan said happily.

  "Haha, I'll give you a good salary, little brother. You're such a straightforward person! That's it. By the way, where are you going to take me now? Huang Pingqiang asked.

  "Now? Didn't you already see the Butuo Palace and the Huimeng Temple today? Looking elsewhere? It's too tiring to do this, you'll have altitude sickness, after all, you only arrived in L City yesterday. Zhang Gan said.

  "Gone somewhere else? But I don't feel like anything, do I? Huang Pingqiang patted his chest and said.

  "I don't think it's better to go to other places for the time being, you go back now and take a rest, otherwise you'll be too tired, and it will be unbearable for a foreigner!" Zhang Gan kindly persuade Huang Pingqiang.

  "Alright then!" Huang Pingqiang paused for a moment before saying, "Then I'll go back to the hotel first and call you tomorrow morning?" ”

  "Okay! Then I'll take you back to the hotel. ”

  The two of them left Huimeng Square, and the hotel where Huang Pingqiang stayed was on Renmin Road. Renmin Road is the only pedestrian street in L City, and it is very close to the Golden Palace Square.

  The two of them walked towards the pedestrian street, and when they were halfway there, they entered a small alley where there were almost no people. The alley is deep and very quiet. The two of them were talking, and suddenly, Zhang Gan saw a person flash out behind him.

  That person was like a free leaf, and he arrived at Zhang Gan's side in an instant. Then, Zhang Gan saw that person slash at Huang Pingqiang with a knife.

  Huang Pingqiang turned his back to the man, so he didn't have the slightest vigilance.

  A masked man floated up from behind the man almost instantly, pulled out the knife at his waist at the same time, and then grabbed the man's knife at once.

  The two knives collided with each other and made a 'snap' sound.

  The moment the two knives collided, the man's body was suddenly shaken out by the force on the masked man's knife. As soon as the man's body hit the ground, he didn't even look at it, and jumped towards another alley.

  The masked man landed on the ground and chased after him without saying a word.

  Zhang Gan looked at Huang Pingqiang suspiciously, he didn't understand why this happened. Huang Pingqiang was also stunned, but he didn't say a word.

  Zhang Gan asked, "How can this be, Mr. Huang?" Didn't you say you just came to L City yesterday? Why is this happening? ”

  Huang Pingqiang did not speak.

  "Mr. Huang, you can't offend people as soon as you come to L City, right?" Zhang Gan still didn't calm down and continued to ask.

  "Little brother!" Huang Pingqiang finally spoke, "It's a bit troublesome to talk about, so let's not talk about it, okay?" ”

  "But I'm going to be your private tour guide, if you don't make it clear to me, how can I be a good private tour guide for you?" Zhang Gan questioned.

  "Now you can see that my situation is a bit dangerous, if you don't want to be my personal tour guide, it's okay, I won't blame you." Huang Pingqiang said.

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