Chapter 4 Manto’s Dream

Since skipping class to watch the outdoor movie that night, Qingchun Huang became less interested in studying.


Her academic performance was never good, but she had great musical talents. With the careful guidance of her music teacher, Qu Yihui, Qingchun Huang soon learned to read sheet music and even attempted to compose her own music. Unfortunately, music was only considered an elective subject in the educational system at that time, and it was not included in the final graduation exam results. Manto’s impressive musical talent was destined to be buried by the backward educational system…


Skipping class to watch movies in the countryside was eventually discovered by the homeroom teacher, Mr. Xu

Gang Chen and Liang Ma  took full responsibility. They were the ones leading the way, while Qingchun Huang and Jia Xu were just followers. When Gang Chen and Liang Ma  were punished for standing in the classroom corridor and drying in the sun, Qingchun Huang and Jia Xu were not in the mood for class. They peeked out of the window from time to time and handed them a few bags of refreshing “sugar water”…


Gang Chen was the representative of the physics class, handsome and elegant, with a stable and refined temperament. Many girls had a crush on Gang Chen and often sent him love letters. However, Gang Chen remained unmoved, dedicated to his studies and striving for a bright future.


Among the girls, only Qingchun Huang kept a low profile. Although she sat next to Lambert, she was too shy, and Gang Chen was too serious, so they rarely spoke to each other. In fact, Qingchun Huang was the one who cared the most and liked Gang Chen the most. She just hid her feelings deeply, almost concealing them from everyone except her best friend Jia Xu. Even Gang Chen had no clue.

Qingchun Huang and Jia Xu lived in the same dormitory and were best friends who could talk about anything.


One night, Qingchun Huang had a strange dream-


The grassy hat-shaped spaceship had returned. It hovered directly above the white teaching building, blinking with an orange-red glow…


Qingchun Huang walked alone to the old locust tree on the side of the playground. The ground was covered with layers of locust flowers that produced a scream when she stepped on it.


The bottom of the flying saucer shot out a beam of purple light that moved towards Manto. She was scared and ran away, hiding behind the old locust tree. The beam of purple light followed her every move. No matter how she tried to hide, she was ultimately covered by the dazzling light…


The next morning, Qingchun Huang told Jia Xu about her dream-


“I dreamed that I went to a new place. There was another Lambert, another me, and another you. You were wearing a purple dress, very beautiful!”


Jia Xu was brushing her teeth by the ditch, and she was so surprised that her toothbrush fell to the ground. “Manto, don’t scare me! I never wear dresses. Where did the purple dress come from?”

Jia Xu turned around and looked at Manto, with a mischievous smile on her face: “You must have been so obsessed with Lambert, huh? He’s playing basketball on the playground. Just go and confess your feelings to him. Don’t be shy, I’ll go with you!”


Qingchun Huang blushed. She tried to recall the dream: “Besides us, there was another Liang Ma  in that place.”


Jia Xu was slightly happier when she heard that Liang Ma  was also there: “Ha! I’ll definitely go since I’m already going. That boy Liang Ma  has to come too, haha!.. But where is that place you mentioned?”


As Qingchun Huang picked up Jia Xu’s toothbrush from the ground and rinsed it under the faucet, she replied: “That place is very far away. It has mountains, rivers, a blue sky, and white clouds. But it’s definitely not on this Earth now!”

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