Chapter 6 From Now On, The Sky Is High and The Earth Is Vast.

With only one week left until the graduation exams,  Qingchun Huang dropped out of school on her own initiative. Due to her impoverished family background, she had to give up her pursuit of education.


That morning,  Qingchun  Huang silently packed her school bag and stationery and said goodbye to her classmates…


When she left the classroom alone,  Gang Chen,  Liang Ma, and  Jia Xu were all sad. They were about to go out and see Huang Qingchun off, but the bell for the class had already rung. The three of them could only stand in the hallway and watch Huang Qingchun gradually recede into the distance.


The morning breeze blew, and the old locust tree on the edge of the playground dropped white petals one by one, gently falling on Huang Qingchun. Just as she was about to leave the playground, she turned her head to take another look at  Gang Chen  But  Gang Chen had already entered the classroom, and the hallway was empty…



At first, Qingchun  Huang was very uncomfortable.


Leaving the campus at a young age, she had to take on farming work alone. Without  Gang Chen around,  Qingchun’s mind was elsewhere all the time - she was not paying attention and accidentally cut her finger with a sickle while cutting grass on the mountain, and didn’t notice the pot boiling dry and leaking while cooking pig food with firewood.


Every evening, Qingchun  Huang would run to the Tianzhu Temple bridge and hide in a green curtain of sorghum, just to wait for Gang Chento to pass by the bridge on his way home from school, sneakily watching him for a while. It was only when  Gang Chen rode his bike away and the sun had set, and the sky was full of stars that she happily went home…


Since the last time she went fishing with  Jia Xu and Gang  Chen by the river, Huang Qingchun knew that what Chen Gang wanted the most was a globe.



Early in the morning,  Qingchun Huang set off on foot to buy a globe in the county town, hiking dozens of kilometers. She ran around all the large and small stationery stores and office supply stores in the city, but surprisingly, none of them had a globe for sale.


Tired and thirsty,  Qingchun Huang sat alone on the stone steps at the foot of the Yuchan Mountain, feeling like she had done something wrong. She felt deep self-blame and was at a loss. Rain began to fall from the sky, and the seventeen-year-old girl’s thoughts were lingering like the rain in spring, unable to be expressed.


Luckily, good things come to those who wait. Just as  Qingchun Huang was disappointed and started walking back, she happened to see a globe displayed in the window of a clothing store on the street!


Unfortunately, it was only a decoration and not for sale.  Qingchun Huang pleaded with the shop owner repeatedly and refused to give up until she finally bought the globe for several times its original price.


It was the secret money that  Qingchun Huang had saved for half a year, but she did not feel sorry at all. She hugged the globe and happily set off on her way home…

The next evening, Qingchun  Huang dressed up beautifully in a pale yellow dress and held the globe, waiting for Chen Gang at the Tianzhu Temple bridge.


The wind was strong, and the sunset reflected on the distant mountains, displaying colorful scenery. A few horse-drawn carriages passed by, raising dust on the rural road.


Qingchun Huang’s heart was beating like a drum. It was the first time she stepped out of the sorghum field and faced Chen Gang alone.


When the familiar figure rode his bike from the high slope to the bridge,  Qingchun Huang summoned up her courage and stood in the middle of the road, stopping Chen Gang’s bike.


“I heard you like globes, so I’m giving this to you!”  Qingchun Huang generously handed over the globe that she had wiped dozens of times to Chen Gang.


 Gang Chen parked his bike and was delighted, “Great! Where did you get it from? It must be expensive. I’ll pay you back.”


“It’s a gift for you, no need to pay.” Qingchun Huang avoided Chen Gang’s eyes and blushed as she whispered her answer.



After speaking,  Qingchun Huang turned around and left, leaving Chen Gang with a beautiful silhouette in the sunset. She was afraid that if she stayed for another minute, she would blurt out something clumsy.


Gang Chen was grateful, but he didn’t think much of it. He got on his bike and quickly left.


 Qingchun Huang looked back from a distance, watching Chen Gang as a bittersweet feeling filled her heart.


The afterglow of the sunset illuminated everything. The clouds in the sky were coated with a layer of gold by the sunset, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.


Suddenly, a disc-shaped spacecraft flew out of the clouds above, heading straight toward Qingchun Huang. At the same time, a blue light was emitted from the bottom of the spacecraft, enveloping her. Before she could react, she was lifted off the ground and slowly floated into the spacecraft.


A moment later, the spaceship closed its hatch and vertically jumped, moving at an unbelievable speed. It cut a round hole directly through the cloud layer and disappeared without a trace.


Looking from the ground, a standard circular hole with a blue sky above it could be seen clearly on the cloud layer.

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