Chapter 7 New Choices

Chapter 7 New Choices"The journey is going well," Charles said to himself as he looked at the map for a while. "Maybe the author went to an inn again," he tried to convince himself. A few days later at noon, he was sitting on a rock biting into the last piece of roasted meat when he suddenly felt something attacking him from behind.He immediately drew his steel sword, turned around, and jumped behind the rock. There was nothing in front of his eyes, but his instinct told him that something was very dangerous. "Clang!" Something hit the sword blade. He quickly lifted his foot and kicked the invisible thing seven meters away. The thing revealed its form and turned out to be a winged person that he had seen at the third outpost.As a hunter, he always carried a rope with him. Taking a few big steps, he ran over and tied the winged person's hands together. "Can we talk peacefully?" he said, noticing the anger in the other's eyes. "Okay, I'll release you when I get h
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