Chapter 8 Quick Response

Charles slowly opened his eyes and found himself trapped in an iron cage hanging in mid-air. The bottom of the cage was secured with iron chains and locks that were not easy to escape from. In front of him were two male eagle-like creatures similar to Periya drinking white beverages. Pieces of armor were scattered around their table. One of them was playing with a whistle in his hand, and the other had a gray hat with a mole pattern on his head, which looked rather funny. "Are you awake, big guy?" The guy with the hat had a decent attitude and then picked up a piece of cheese and threw it into the cage. He took a bite, and the taste was terrible. "Is there anything more normal to eat?"Periya heard the sound and threw two roasted rabbit legs into the room. "Thank you. What day is it?" "It doesn't matter. Think about the previous question." "I have no choice, do I?" he said tactfully. In fact, he coul
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