Chapter 22 The Final Atonement (Part 2)

"If only I were a chameleon,"Charles thought as he watched the approaching cavalry unit. If he could possess such abilities, his combat power would surpass anyone's.He refocused his attention on the battlefield, keeping a close eye on the approaching cavalry. As they entered shooting range, he pulled the trigger on his crossbow as quietly as possible, sending a sharp arrow towards the cavalryman's face."Swish!"the arrow hit the perfectly aimed shield sending it in an opposite direction.Lizardmen were not known for being simple reaction warriors, but Charles was surprised that this was not the first time he had been outsmarted by elite soldiers. Frustrated, he prepared himself for a difficult battle."Cursed bastard!" he muttered to himself, preparing for a difficult battle. He turned transparent and followed his escape route to take cover behind a rock, leaving behind a trail that looked like a wave blowing through a grass field.Soon, Lydia's radiant magic spread throughout the area, leaving the lizard warriors with nowhere to run.Before he could recover, several clay-like missiles hit him."Kamoro, do you hate me that much?" he shouted as he ran deeper into the area.Kamoro didn't say anything. He followed behind the reconnaissance cavalrymen, slowly advancing. It was obvious that he was unaffected."Watch out for bushes and the ground," one of the cavalrymen warned.Jus
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