Rising Chapter - The Starry Maiden

The southern summer of the Stylandia continent is unbearably hot. Aside from those who are forced to travel for their livelihood, no one else would willingly run under the scorching midday sun on the road, unless they were a complete fool.

Tree elf Lynn Piaoye is no fool. Therefore, before the large golden disk overhead began to roast people, this elegant and beautiful adventurer had already burrowed into the depths of the lush forest.


The slender elf maiden moved lightly through the forest. In the second year after leaving her hometown of Star Forest, she had adapted to this nomadic adventurous life. Although sometimes she would still misses her hometown and her people, she is now a strong girl and no longer secretly cries every night like she did in the first few months after leaving home.


After finding a suitable shady spot, she decided to rest here for a while and continue her journey after nightfall.


Carefully removing the divine wood bow and the quiver full of eagle feather arrows from her back, the relaxed tree elf took a long breath. She leaned against the sturdy trunk of a tall tree, bent her long, flower-like legs, took off her boots, and gently massaged her slightly red and sore beautiful feet with her small, delicate, soft, and fair hands.

Absolutely, I’ll do my best to make the translation sound more natural. Here’s a revised translation of the text you provided:


Even those born of nature can find themselves weary.


If the relentless heat persists, she might seriously contemplate seeking refuge in the cooler northern regions of the continent. However, heading north would make her cherished swims and baths in the beautiful Lake Valowen rather inconvenient, leaving her in quite a predicament.


As the tree elf pondered over this dilemma, a discordant voice from deeper within the forest reached her pointed ears.


“Beautiful flower of the mountain, it’s quite risky for you to venture alone into this dense forest.”


“You’re in luck, for you’ve encountered us, willing to offer you protection.”


“Of course, you’ll need to provide us with a small token of gratitude.”


“To put it bluntly, that token is your body!”


“Please, remove your clothes. It’s easier for all of us this way. Of course, if you’d rather we do it for you, we don’t mind taking that extra step, as long as you don’t find us too brash.”

Just a stone’s throw away from a tree elf, four foul-mouthed men were harassing a young woman dressed in a deep red gown. The poor lass, encircled by these four brutes, was desperately trying to evade their grubby hands. But her efforts seemed futile, and soon she found herself backed into a corner.


“Make sure you scream nicer and louder for us,” one of the men sneered, his face twisted into a wicked grin. They had grown tired of their cat-and-mouse game and were ready to move on to their main event.


But then, out of nowhere, an arrow whistled through the air, piercing the hand of one of the men. The sharp arrowhead went right through his hand, emerging from his palm.


The suddenness of the event left the man stunned for a moment. Then, the pain hit him, and he let out a blood-curdling scream. Almost simultaneously, three more arrows found their marks on the other men, causing them to howl in pain.


“You filthy mongrels! You’re not even worth the arrow it would take to kill you!” The tree elf, who had been watching the scene from a tree branch, quickly fired four arrows, incapacitating the men. Once she was sure they were no longer a threat to the woman, she jumped down from the tree, put on boots, and walked over to the writhing men. She retrieved precious arrows with a look of disgust, then gave each of them a good kick. “You’re making a mountain out of a molehill. It’s honestly quite laughable.”

From that moment on, the tree elf couldn’t take her eyes off the human woman she had just saved.


Up close, the woman was breathtaking. She had a symmetrical face, a graceful figure, and a rare cascade of silver hair that flowed like a waterfall. A few strands of bright silver hair rested gently on her bare shoulders. Her deep blue eyes held no fear or joy, just a profound calmness. Influenced by her serene gaze, the tree sprite found her own heart calming down. She found herself at a loss for words as she stared at the woman.


It was the human woman who broke the silence. She smiled, bowed to the tree sprite, and said, “Regardless, I must thank you, kind elf maiden.”


“I don’t think this is how humans should express gratitude,” the tree elf responded. If it weren’t for the woman’s gentle and well-intentioned smile diluting the rudeness in her words, the tree elf might have responded more harshly to her “thanks” which could be summarized as “meddling.”


“Elnora Blackfeather of Olpat, I apologize for my earlier rudeness. I’m truly sorry. Having lived in Olpat for so long, I’ve almost forgotten how to properly communicate with a good girl like you.” The woman, who was somehow endearing when she smiled, bowed again to the tree elf. She then took a pinch of powder from her bag, clapped her hands together, and inhaled the golden, faintly fragrant powder that was released. “Although I’m sure the poison in the air had dissipated before you arrived, it’s better to be safe. I’d rather see a good elf like you live a long life, not end up like them.”

“ You were saying…” Lynn Piaoye, the tree elf, was about to ask Elnora for clarification, but she quickly understood everything - the four men on the ground had never gotten up again. Looking at the four bodies foaming at the mouth on the ground, Lynn glanced at her, then looked down at the four eagle feather arrows in her hand, and sighed helplessly.


“Rest assured, the poison won’t stick to the arrow shaft.” Seeing Lynn’s concern, Elnora explained the pharmacology of the poison while she walked around to the back of the tree, bent down, and pulled up a few white flowers from the ground. Then, she returned to the four bodies, cut open their skin with a small knife in front of Lynn, and planted the freshly picked white flowers in the bleeding wounds. As she did these strange things, she earnestly explained the whole story to the bewildered Lynn, “When I settled in the previous town, these guys had their eyes on me. The Rosen territory is about to go to war, and these lawless guys are everywhere like flies smelling blood. But what they don’t know is that I was the one who had my eyes on them.”


As she spoke, the white flowers soaked in blood turned into bright red flowers. Elnora, who had been waiting for this moment, immediately separated the flowers from the roots and put them into different bags, “This kind of Crescent Moon Flower, as long as it has been stained with human blood, will become a very precious alchemical material. Compared to the blood of innocents, I feel more at ease using the blood of people like them.”


“Maybe the person my eagle feather arrows should have shot just now was you.” Lynn put away her bow and arrows, and then teased because she was really just teasing, she had never thought about really doing anything to Elnora.


“Oh? But they really wanted to harm me, didn’t they? But if you really want to do that, I wouldn’t blame you.” Elnora revealed a mischievous smile, which still looked beautiful in the eyes of Lynn, “After all, every free person in Olpat has a dark side.”

“And those from Koguen without a dark side either become slaves or end up dead,” Lynn Piaoye, the tree elf, added the second half of the proverb, using the current name of the land - Koguen, “Few people from Koguen remember the original name of the land - Olpat.”


“Perhaps it’s because I’m a bit nostalgic,” Elnora chuckled lightly, “Or perhaps, I’m a blue-eyed witch with the grand goal of restoring the former glory of the Magic City.” With that, she winked at the astonished tree elf. Her ordinary black eyes suddenly became as clear and bright as a sky-blue lake, the kind of blue eyes that belonged to the great witch clan that had long disappeared from the continent!


“How is that possible?!” It’s no wonder that the tree elf had such a big reaction. Since the four magic towers were built on the continent, no new blue-eyed witches have been born, and the witches of the past have all turned into dust in history after the unfortunate event known as the Sisero tragedy.


The blue-eyed witch smiled at the tree elf for the third time, and her eyes turned back to black, “Maybe she was already a witch before the magic towers were built; maybe she was not very sociable at that time, didn’t like to join in the fun; maybe as a female sorcerer proficient in alchemy, she has a way to maintain her appearance and live for four hundred years.”


The female elf nodded silently, accepting this explanation, and then she quickly became interested in another matter, “Did you just say that you want to restore the former glory of the Magic City?”


“That beautiful land has been ruined by a group of rogue bandits for long enough, it’s time for the witches to become the masters of Olpat again, it’s time for the good people to smile again in the Magic Kingdom.” The female sorcerer answered proudly, then she smiled at the elf for the fourth time. She suddenly took an interest in the upright and enthusiastic female elf in front of her, who was not bound by moral dogma. So she reached out her hand, somewhat abruptly, but full of sincerity, and extended an invitation to travel together, “It might be a bit sudden for me to ask this now, but I still want to ask, would you like to travel with me? Miss Tree Elf, witness the revival of Olpat with me?”

Lynn Piaoye didn't waste any time in responding. Her intense curiosity overcame any reservations she may have had, and she was desperate to discover what skills this striking and enigmatic sorceress with azure eyes possessed to wrest Olpat from the clutches of the current ruler, Landon Mire.


With a momentary pause for thought, the ethereal Tree Elf eagerly clasped the outstretched hand of the sorceress.


"Lynn Piaoye, a denizen of the Starry Forest, willingly joins you on this venture!"

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