Lynn Piaoye is furious

Lynn Piaoye stirred from her slumber, emerging from the embrace of the luxurious bedding in the noble suite at the Golden Rose Inn, nestled in the heart of the Crown District. It wasn't the gentle melody of dawn's arrival or the polite rap of a waiter bearing morning fare that brought her to consciousness. Instead, it was the affectionate nudge of her beloved "Black Big Kitty," whose wet, warm tongue gently roused her from sleep.Shira, the sleek black leopard whom the tree elf had rescued and bestowed with a charming name, had journeyed alongside her keen-eared companion to Hegeral, where they now shared the comforts of the inn's most esteemed accommodations.The tree elf had never considered consigning Shira to the stables, for she saw in the willing panther not a mere steed but a cherished friend, a loyal companion with four legs and a heart of gold.Likewise, the innkeepers, mindful of the potential distress Shira might cause to the stable's equine inhabitants, chose not to relegate her there. Yet, they harbored no qualms about extending their hospitality to the tree elf and her feline comrade.Their hospitality extended to all friends of the Golden Rose siblings, whose kindness and generosity were well known throughout the land. The doors of the Golden Rose Inn stood ever open to those they held dear.And who could turn away such a captivating tree elf or leave a delicate, slender-eared girl to fend f
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