Chapter 13

  "Sorry, there's a bit too much stuff piled up in the back seat. How about you sit in the front?" The man with golden-rimmed glasses in the driver's seat glanced at the rearview mirror.

  "It's alright, no need to trouble yourself. Thank you, Mr. Su." Gu Pan only just noticed the child safety seat installed on the left side. There were a couple of stuffed toys scattered on the floor, so he bent down to pick them up.

  "You're welcome. The other day when you mentioned coming back for 'treatment,' hehe, I took the opportunity to check the long-distance schedules... I hope I didn't make you wait too long, did I?" Su Chiyuan said as he pulled the lever to adjust the passenger seat and gestured for Gu Pan in the back to move forward. "Last time, my friend pushed the seat too far back. I noticed you're about the same height as me, and it would be uncomfortable with such limited space. Come on, this way your legs won't feel cramped anymore, right?"

  "No, I'm not uncomfortable."

  "By the way, you haven't answered me yet. Did I come in time? Didn't make you wait long, did I?" Su Chiyuan confirmed once again.

  "No, you didn't. Thank you!" Gu Pan subconsciously held onto a stuffed rabbit beside him and gently stroked its smooth fur to calm himself. He felt that Su Chiyuan's enthusiasm was disproportionate to the length of time they had known each other. This made him feel confused and uneasy.

  "Gu, would it be alright if we do something like this? I passed by a jazz bar on my way here. I've been there before with friends, and the ambiance is quite nice. I can take you there and we can have dinner together, what do you think?" Su Chiyuan glanced back at Gu Pan, who was skeptical and had a big question mark written all over his face upon hearing the invitation. Su Chiyuan quickly turned his head back and smiled at the rearview mirror.

  "Mr. Su, is this part of the treatment?" Gu Pan and Su Chiyuan exchanged cautious glances through the rearview mirror.

  "Well, yes, it can be considered as part of it. But don't worry, it's free of charge."

  "Oh... but I'll have to pay for my own meal."

  "Well, we'll see about that later. By the way... you should be over eighteen, right?"

  "I am."

  "Good." Su Chiyuan stepped on the accelerator.


  McGee's Bar is located in a commercial building in the bustling downtown area. Compared to the distinctive signs of several unique dining establishments downstairs, its dark red sign appears modest and unassuming.

  This is Gu Pan's first time visiting a bar. Prior to this, his understanding of such places was limited to what he had seen in movies and TV shows. He envisioned beautiful women, dim lighting that created an atmosphere, dice games, and perhaps even a chance to play the hero by saving a woman from a villain trying to drug her drink...

  However, the place Su Chiyuan brought him to was more akin to a music and dining bar. Customers came here primarily to eat and enjoy live music.

  The interior lighting was indeed different from the cozy atmosphere of Gu Pan's familiar homes or study rooms. Following Su Chiyuan closely after entering, he noticed that the lighting was too ambiguous for his unaided vision. He had around 200 degrees of nearsightedness, which didn't significantly affect his daily life. But in this dimly lit place, he had to crouch down to ensure he didn't accidentally step on someone's foot protruding from an unusually contorted sitting posture.

  They settled into the curved sofa seats.

  The music began. The resident female singer started singing with a melodious voice, performing an English folk-style song. It was pure and serene... The atmosphere was indescribably wonderful, and Gu Pan couldn't help but let a smile creep onto his lips.

  "Do you like it?" Su Chiyuan whispered.

  "Yeah, it sounds amazing live," Gu Pan replied, scanning the surroundings. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his eyes had adjusted to the dim lighting. Everywhere he looked, there seemed to be no empty seats. So, considering that Su Chiyuan had spontaneously decided to come here and yet managed to secure such an ideal spot, Gu Pan felt incredibly lucky.

  "Gu, you have a good sense for these things. You know what? Our seats really are the best in McGee's bar " Su Chiyuan smiled and further explained that the best seats included the optimal listening experience, as he had compared before.

  Gu Pan nodded and relaxed his shoulders. However, when he saw the menu handed to him by Mr. Su, he hesitated once again.

  "You decide what to eat, okay?" Su Chiyuan's glasses reflected a gentle and tolerant light.

  Gu Pan took the menu. He forced himself to blend in with the environment, imagining that he was gathering with friends. He thought that if he was clever enough when it came time to pay, he might be able to suggest splitting the bill evenly. That would be the most reasonable and reassuring outcome. He didn't want to take advantage.

  After the salad and main course, the waiter brought out the dessert. Su Chiyuan pushed a small plate of tender, golden cake in front of Gu Pan. "You have it, I've been cutting back on carbs tonight."

  Gu Pan lifted the small plate closer. As he leaned in, he discovered a familiar sweet fragrance. He had smelled this aroma before. It was a rich cheesy scent, accompanied by a subtle and indescribable hint of saltiness. He sniffed it again and again.

  "What's going on? Is the cake meant to be smelled?" Su Chiyuan was puzzled.

  "It turns out that the cake in that box is called Sea Salt Cheesecake!" Gu Pan exclaimed in sudden realization.

  "Are you feeling sentimental over a piece of cake?" Su Chiyuan smiled subtly, afraid to interrupt Gu's desire to express himself.

  "Oh, no. Mr. Su, there was a time when I met someone at the community center who specifically made a cake to thank you. Unfortunately, you weren't there that day. The whole staircase was filled with this aroma. So, it left a deep impression on me," Gu Pan explained.

  "Wow really? Then I missed out on a delightful experience. What kind of person was she?" Su Chiyuan inquired.

  "A woman, around thirty years old," Gu Pan didn't believe he had the right to provide the woman's full name. Of course, the key reason for not mentioning her name was his strong intuition that once the three characters "Ling Hanlu" were uttered, his facial expression and even his body would undergo a complex and indescribable change. Sitting beside him was a psychotherapist, and guided by his limited and somewhat biased understanding of the profession, Su Chiyuan seemed almost like a "semi-immortal" in a certain sense, capable of easily discerning others' hidden emotions. Gu Pan didn't want to take that risk.

  "Well... that's a broad range, as there are many people who seek help, you know. So, it's difficult for me to specifically pinpoint a woman in her thirties," Su Chiyuan's mind couldn't immediately retrieve the information due to its limited nature. "But I'm glad to know that someone remembered and expressed gratitude, even if I didn't get to taste that cake."

  "Yes, it's very gratifying. Oh, and by the way, Mr. Su, did you study psychology in college?" Gu Pan's conversational state became increasingly relaxed. He gradually felt that Mr. Su might be able to help him with more than just his insomnia issues.

  "I graduated with a law degree. I work at a law firm, mainly handling aviation lawsuits, but occasionally take on other cases. Psychology counseling is a side job of mine, and I have a license for it. I'm married and have a four-year-old daughter," Su Chiyuan replied.

  With just one question, Gu Pan unintentionally elicited such detailed personal information from Su Chiyuan, leaving him surprised and questioning whether he had been too forward. Clearing his throat to alleviate the awkwardness, Gu Pan said, "Mr. Su, have you ever had a client with the same mental illness as mine?"

  "First, let me correct you. If it is indeed a mental illness, then you should seek help from a psychiatrist at a hospital rather than come to me. Now, Gu, let's talk about your specific situation," Su Chiyuan responded.

  "I have auditory hallucinations," Gu Pan confessed.

  "Auditory... hallucinations. Hehe, I see you enjoy using professional terms for yourself," Su Chiyuan struggled to suppress his amusement. Although the person sitting in front of him was indeed a young man, he was a serious one. "Alright, tell me, what do you hear?"

  "I hear sounds of water, braking, and voices. When I lie in bed at night, these sounds start to appear," Gu Pan's face gradually sank, as if he had suddenly been transported back to a chaotic and jumbled soundscape.

  Oh, environmental sounds... And what about the voices? Whose voice is it, and what do they say?" Su Chiyuan asked.

  Gu Pan, realizing the potential danger of revealing too much to the person beside him, became cautious. After all, it was the duty of a patient to disclose everything. He silently weighed the appropriate level of disclosure in his mind.

  "If you think it's alright, you can tell me," Su Chiyuan sensed Gu Pan's hesitation.

  "...It's my sister. She wants me to be with her forever," Gu Pan finally confessed.

  "Do you hear it all the time, or is there a specific time?" Su Chiyuan inquired.

  "It was just a couple of days ago when I visited our childhood hometown, the place where my sister and I grew up together. The voice came at night," Gu Pan explained.

  "Gu, let me share my honest thoughts. Based on our two discussions about your insomnia issues, I've noticed that you have your own analysis and understanding of the root causes. You're actively seeking solutions. My suggestion is to engage in social activities to some extent, distract yourself, and see if there's any improvement over time. Don't rush to conclusions," Su Chiyuan expressed his opinion. In his view, Gu Pan's situation didn't seem to require "treatment" at this stage.

  "Thank you, Mr. Su. I truly admire people like you who are mentally healthy," Gu Pan sincerely expressed, looking at him.

  "You're mistaken. Many psychotherapists become qualified counselors after overcoming fear, flaws, and confusion. They are not a group of naturally healthy individuals. In fact, because they engage in self-reflection more often, they are more prone to self-struggles. However, this trait is also their gift, as it enables them to understand the suffering of those seeking help and fosters a strong desire to help people overcome their difficulties," Su Chiyuan said, his gaze shifting towards Gu Pan, who was attentively listening.

  "Thank you," Gu Pan received this goodwill and enthusiasm, which seemed to be expanding rapidly, with gratitude. In that moment, he temporarily set aside his pursuit of an unknown "origin" and tried to be as open as possible. He believed that simple language could be powerful. "Thank you!"

  "Gu, have confidence. Open up your mind and broaden your horizons. When you go back tonight, try to remember the songs you heard at Maggie's and the delicious food you tasted. You can see today as a starting point. If you trust me, I'll help you find meaning in your future journey. How does that sound?" Su Chiyuan proposed.

  Gu Pan sat on the edge of the bed, facing the window. At this time, only a few scattered souls remained awake in the building across from him. They presented him with fragments of this indistinct night. The three Taylor Swift songs he heard at Maggie's two hours ago awaited him like a gift. They started playing just as he took his seat. In this perfectly timed moment, there was a sense of delicate and unreal setting.

  But there was something else, different from the music. It was something Gu Pan randomly selected as a delightful conclusion to this evening.

  Sea salt and cheese. The gratitude held by the woman in her thirties on the community center stairs, it turned out to be embodied in this taste... Sweet, with a caramel flavor that wasn't overly light, but also had a hint of saltiness. Gu Pan liked its taste.

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