Chapter 65

  Gupan wrapped up his morning workout, completely spent, and flopped down onto the deep green grass.

  He was so worn out that he couldn't resist shutting his eyes, only to snap them open again immediately, afraid of plunging into darkness.

  These past few days, whenever he closed his eyes, he couldn't shake the image of Lu Yitong tightly holding onto Ling Hanlu as they walked out of the police station.

  In that moment, he had the urge to stride over, shove aside the girl with the jagged bangs next to Teacher Ling, and yell, "Let me take care of this!"

  But he hesitated. Guilt weighed heavily on him, sapping his confidence.

  Now lying on the ground, his mind replayed the image of Ling Hanlu's torn white tee and the faint scratches on her neck. The pink marks trailed downward, slowly fading away, yet his imagination traced them into remote, untouched white valleys...

  Inside the house, all that could be heard was the boy's breathing and the grumble of his empty stomach.

  Struggling, he pushed himself upright. He bowed his head, trying to calm the inexplicable turmoil within him... and let out a self-deprecating chuckle.

  Just then, a notification pinged from the sofa.

  The long-awaited message from "Xinyuan" had finally arrived, like a fairy coming to his rescue.

  Gupan checked "Xinyuan's" belated reply first. "Xinyuan" thanked him for appreciating the eco-friendly painting. "Thanks for liking it. The School of Management is really special to me. Cherish every little thing there, day and night!"

  It was the first time "Xinyuan" responded so emotionally. Gupan read it twice, thinking his mention of studying at the School of Management had brought out this rare display of tenderness. It seemed this school, or something related to it, held a precious place in her heart, touching the softer sides of her emotions.

  Feeling more confident, Gupan felt he now had a green light for further conversation. He opened the message box and laid out his lingering doubts to the increasingly familiar "Xinyuan": "Lately, I messed up something that almost hurt the woman I care about. But she showed incredible understanding. Does that mean I don't matter much to her?"

  After writing it out, he let out a sigh of relief. Despite knowing how unpredictable the author could be, he wondered when or if he'd get a response.

  Next, Gupan clicked on "Xinyuan's" latest video.

  This time, she shifted focus to everyday life. The video's theme was "Deliciousness."

  It showed a typical kitchen with a dual-burner stove, a range hood, and fitted cabinets. The highlight, of course, was a ceramic soup pot bubbling away on the stove. The gentle sound of simmering soup in the background conveyed the author's current state of cozy contentment.

  Thinking of making a pot of soup for Ling Hanlu too, Gupan decided to check with her first before buying ingredients.

  "Teacher Ling, I'm swinging by later to whip up some soup. What's your fancy?" Gupan's supposed "consultation" had naturally turned into more of a "heads-up." "Your call."

  "I ain't home right now."

  "But ain't you free today?" Gupan had gotten to know Ling Hanlu's daily routines inside out.

  "I came to the office to sort out some paperwork."

  "Ah, how much longer you reckon?"

  "Almost wrapped up."

  "I'll swing by to get you. You cool with the bike?"

  "Sure thing. Office spot's still the same."

  After hanging up, Gupan rushed through a shower, changed, grabbed breakfast, and headed out.

  Meanwhile, in an office building on the campus outskirts, Ling Hanlu was finishing up a task. At that moment, she had the whole floor to herself.


  Around nine in the morning, the office was baking under the relentless summer sun outside. Ling Hanlu got up to fetch the air conditioner remote but couldn't find it anywhere. Figuring she was nearing the end of her workday, she gave up the search and hurried to the window, drawing the curtains shut. The room instantly dimmed, bringing some much-needed coolness.

  As she turned back, passing by the door, she noticed it slowly creaking open.

  "So quick, Gu—"

  But the sight that greeted her left her speechless.

  "Professor, hello!"

  "You..." Ling Hanlu squinted, recognizing the face but struggling with the name. "You are..."

  "Lin Sicheng, remember me?" The visitor stood rigid in the doorway, almost unnaturally straight, like an interviewee determined to make a stellar first impression.

  "Oh, Lin... of course. What can I do for you?"

  "There is indeed something." Without waiting for permission, Lin Sicheng stepped inside. "Let me explain slowly."

  "Uh-huh, how did you know I was here?"

  "I've been keeping tabs on you these past few days. Believe it or not." Lin Sicheng unslung his bag and draped it over the nearest chair.

  "Keeping tabs on me? I don't quite understand. What's so urgent on such a scorching day?" Ling Hanlu was clearly taken aback by a certain word.

  "It's something crucial to me, Professor..."

  "Correction, I'm just an associate professor. No need to be so formal." Ling Hanlu, still shaken by a recent 'disturbance' from a few disgruntled youngsters, was naturally displeased with Lin Sicheng's sudden visit.

  "Same difference. Professor Ling, I received your warning email. First off, I'm sorry. My attitude towards studying has indeed been lacking, disappointing you. But..."

  "...We're halfway through the summer term, and you've barely been around. Not a single assignment done. If you're not here to question my stats, just bounce. There's no point in talking."

  "Not so fast!" Lin Sicheng shut the door behind him, fixing his grey-blond hair and flashing his bright earrings.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Ling Hanlu instinctively took a step back, eyeing the thermos on her desk like it was a weapon.

  But Ling Hanlu totally misread the situation. What happened next was beyond her understanding of just 'persuasion'.

  "Professor Ling!" Lin Sicheng suddenly dropped to his knees. "Please, cut me some slack! Give me a shot!"

  "What are you doing? You're quick to kneel like this?" Ling Hanlu was taken aback by his dramatic move.

  "As long as you help me out, I'll do anything, not just kneel!" Lin Sicheng's sharp features softened into a slight smile, his eyes teasing and challenging.

  "You better drop that idea right now, or pretend like none of this ever happened," Ling Hanlu warned, moving towards the door. But Lin Sicheng, still kneeling, firmly gripped her leg.

  "Professor Ling, please don't turn down my goodwill," he pleaded.

  "Let go of me! This is insane!" Ling Hanlu fought to break free, stumbled backwards, and leaned against her desk.

  "There's no shame in admitting your desires. Every woman has her needs. Professor, don't dismiss my kindness," Lin Sicheng stood up, dusted off his knees, his carefully crafted face drawing nearer.

  "You're crazy!" Ling Hanlu tried to evade around the other side of the desk.

  "No matter what happens today, it's just us in this building. I could easily argue that you hinted for me to come here, trying to use your authority for personal gain, and I resisted. The hallway cameras will back me up. Believe it or not?" Lin Sicheng's words hung in the air as the door was violently kicked open.

  "Cut the crap!" Gu Pan burst in from outside, grabbing the manipulative liar and shoving him to the ground. Ready to teach him a lesson with a kick, he realized the fallen figure was an old schoolmate! "Lin Sicheng?"

  "Gu Pan?" Lin Sicheng was equally stunned, sitting on the ground and staring intently at the familiar face.

  "Professor Ling, you alright?" Gu Pan brushed off Lin Sicheng's presence, moving closer to Ling Hanlu.

  "You two..." Ling Hanlu was taken aback by the mutual recognition between the two young men before her.

  "Oh, we go way back. He's the one who suggested I take your classes," Gu Pan explained, then turned to Lin Sicheng. "So, care to spill why you wouldn't go along?"

  "Gu Pan," Lin Sicheng leaned back against the desk leg, totally at ease. "Ah, Gu Pan, you don't get what it's like to hit rock bottom. Ever studied till you wanna rip your books apart, or felt like exams are gonna kill you?"

  Gu Pan relaxed, standing with Ling Hanlu as Lin Sicheng recounted his academic nightmares.

  "Our college in City A's top-tier. Got in, folks thought I was a natural. Dad boasted how effortlessly I aced exams, said a bit more grind and I'd be Tsinghua or Beida material. But man, nights I burned, the struggle to just make it here... Some folks, born with talent, just sail ahead no matter how hard you push."

  Ling Hanlu couldn't help but sigh.

  "I'm not a brainiac, languages trip me up. Freshman year was passable, just sticking to the grind kept me afloat. Despite feeling left behind, cut off from the elite, I was in a funk. Chatting with girls 'bout food, fashion, makeup helped me shake it off. Oh, Gu Pan, remember that spot by the back door where we snagged snacks? You saw the crew I hung with, my go-to gang back then."

  "Mm-hmm, I remember." Gu Pan thought back to that crazy day in the cafeteria, with those chicken soup dumplings and all the buzz, like a scene out of a wild spider gathering.

  "Then sophomore year hit, and man, the courses got brutal. It was like daily torture. Seeing those scholarship hotshots in our class breeze through it made me feel even more down on myself. Like, maybe even hopeless. But hey, still had to keep my old man happy. Heh..." Lin Sicheng's lips twitched a bit, but his face stayed poker.

  "Your face..." Gu Pan asked.

  "Just a little tweak. Hardly noticeable," he tapped his cheek cautiously, making sure everything stayed put.

  "Why'd you do it?"

  "I'll spill, no problem. It was kinda random. When I'm feeling down, I hit up this dive bar in the backstreets. Met some art school kids there once. They saw I was feeling blue and tried to cheer me up. Asked if I wanted to try something chill that pays quick. I said I wasn't broke. They said, 'But you're empty.' So, I went along. But they're pretty picky about looks 'cause they cater to rich, lonely ladies. Oh, just to be clear, it's not that kind of adult gig. Just chatting, singing, celebrating birthdays and stuff..."

  "No more freaking out?"

  "No time for that now, packed schedule!"

  "But you still gotta answer to your dad. So, come up with this plan today?"

  "Yeah. I know it's shady."

  "Kid," Ling Hanlu jumped in, "I think your real issue is facing your 'average-ness.' No, it's knowing it but not accepting it. And you're scared to show your dad you're not the genius he thinks. If you set more realistic goals, you wouldn't ditch efforts you think are 'useless' from anxiety. My advice? Sit down with your dad. Set things straight. Only thing I can offer is to join my other classes next semester."

  Gu Pan listened, his hand propped on the table, giving a thumbs-up. In Ling Hanlu's eyes, he looked downright impressive.

  Lin Sicheng got up, his steps ghostly as he drifted past Gu Pan. Suddenly, he turned, as if snapping out of it, and asked, "How'd you end up here?"

  "Had a gut feeling something was gonna happen here."

  "Oh." Lin Sicheng, about to leave, turned back and gave a deep bow to Ling Hanlu.

  The office heat, now suffocating, was way too much for just two curtains to fix.

  "Professor Ling, you still planning to stick around a bit?"

  "Just a tad bit longer," Ling Hanlu replied, hands busy with something, sneaking glances at Gu Pan when he could.

  "You asking me to hang out a bit more with you?"

  "Yeah, just a bit longer."


  As Ling Hanlu's fingers danced across the keyboard, Gu Pan sprawled on the floor, frantically hunting for the elusive remote control. After crawling a full circle in this dedicated pose, he returned empty-handed to Ling Hanlu's feet.

  "Gu Pan, you know right now you resemble a particular critter?" Ling Hanlu chuckled, glancing at the computer screen.

  "Sure do. A pup, a little pup, am I right?" Gu Pan replied, throwing in a couple of dog barks for effect.

  "Heh, still a pup? With that fierce side of yours, could you be a watchdog when push comes to shove?"

  "Hey, sometimes you gotta be a wolf, right?"

  "Nah, don't sell yourself short. You're not just any dog," Ling Hanlu lifted Gu Pan's T-shirt sleeve, motioning for him to stand up. "Gu Pan, think my words had any impact? Starting to second-guess myself here."

  "Professor Ling, how today's events affect Lin Sicheng, I'm not sure. But they mean something to you." Gu Pan shifted from kneeling to crouching, his gaze fixed on Ling Hanlu with doe-like intensity.

  "Oh?" Ling Hanlu finally relaxed his grip, gently pinching the young man's earlobes. "What do they mean?"

  "At the very least, they help you see how much you mean to me," Gu Pan stood up, pulling Ling Hanlu to his feet.

  "Actually, even without today's events, you're important." Ling Hanlu nudged Gu Pan's sweaty head slightly. "Let's go! Time to grab groceries and whip up some soup!"

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