Chapter 68

  Over the whole summer break, Su Chiyuan hardly hit up Gu Pan. When he did, it was just quick texts saying hi, and forwarding a few spicy posts about the travel biz.

  Come September, Gu Pan's starting his junior year. He gets a ping from Su Chiyuan during a tourism econ class. He checks it out, and bam, there's this jaw-dropping pic on his screen. It's so intense it jolts him, making him flip his phone from upright to sideways in a flash. Still, the person next to him sneaks a peek and can't help but go "wow."

  It's this painting of a blonde (or maybe brown-haired?) naked lady riding a white horse.

  With the painting comes a text from Su Chiyuan: "Hey kid, did you notice the person first or the horse?"


  "Oh, really? Do tell!"

  Gu Pan found it a bit tedious to explain via text, so he waited a couple of minutes. When the class bell rang, he dashed out and found a quiet spot to call back.

  "Mr. Su, do you want the honest truth?" Gu Pan asked, standing by a white Roman column outside the lecture hall, making sure no one was around.

  "Of course."

  "She's got fair skin, a beautiful face, and long legs, sitting in a seductive pose. No man could ignore her, right?"

  "Haha..." Su Chiyuan's laughter echoed on the other end.

  "...What's so funny?"

  "Oh, sorry, no offense meant. Kid, you've changed. Haven't seen you in two months, and you're like a new person. Where'd you get all this insight?"

  "Mr. Su, just because I'm in my twenties doesn't mean I can't grow, right?"

  "Absolutely, you can. But any other thoughts on it?"

  "Actually, I've seen this painting before, though not the original. In our freshman public English class, our teacher talked about the origin of the Peeping Tom story. He even showed us ‘Lady Godiva on Horseback’ and briefly explained the legend behind it. When I first saw it on the big screen, I noticed the horse first, but in your picture, to be honest, it was the person."

  "I'm thrilled you recognize it. Really, truly thrilled. Do you like the painting? Can you appreciate this kind-hearted woman who empathized with the common people's suffering? She agreed to ride naked through the streets to get her Earl husband to lower taxes," Su Chiyuan's excitement came through the phone.

  "As far as I know, the artist based the painting on the most romantic version of the legend. From a male perspective, this woman is both beautiful and kind-hearted. He liked to believe that the townsfolk, to preserve her dignity, stayed indoors. But our teacher also mentioned an interesting story related to the term: a tailor named Tom who peeked and got struck by lightning. Whether he went blind or died, accounts vary. Curiosity isn't a crime, but if you choose the wrong target for your curiosity, the heavens will punish you."

  "Interesting, haha, you kid..." Su Chiyuan's voice trembled with emotion.

  Gu Pan didn't understand where this emotion came from. However, whenever he spoke with Mr. Su now, he could calmly accept that any unexpected topic or scene was likely a prelude to some special plan in the near future.

  So he just smiled.

  "Junior year already?" Su Chiyuan still seemed caught up in his emotions, his thoughts a bit scattered.

  "Yes, junior year."

  "Have you heard of the West Suburban Equestrian Club?"

  "...Uh, no." Gu Pan's anticipation of something special was proving accurate.

  "How about going horseback riding on Saturday?" Su Chiyuan's invitation was almost humble, his tone nearly pleading.

  "Horseback riding..." Gu Pan quickly checked his phone calendar. Saturday... What kind of day was it? He couldn't tell. But it clearly meant something extraordinary to Su Chiyuan.

  "Yeah, it's a great place. I went a few years ago. The instructors are very professional, and the grounds are expansive. The facilities are top-notch. What do you think?"

  "I'll go. I mean, yes, I'd love to go horseback riding." Gu Pan tried to find a connection between the painting of the nude woman on horseback and the invitation to ride, but it was too difficult. In comparison, accepting the offer out of a sense of duty seemed much simpler.


  The West Suburban Equestrian Club, developed a decade ago, sits right next to a famous scenic area. With its picturesque setting between mountains and water, plus a nearby golf course and a street full of great food, it's the perfect spot for leisure and fun. Every weekend, the place is packed with visitors.

  Among them, young parents often bring their little kids just to watch others ride horses.

  "Just watching this is so refreshing!" Gu Pan remarked, walking alongside Su Chiyuan towards the club.

  The weather was perfect, with a vast and clear sky. Escaping the increasingly busy school schedule and blending with nature opened up Gu Pan's heart.

  "Haha, I knew you'd love it here!" Su Chiyuan's joy, built on Gu Pan's happiness, was becoming more evident. "But I didn't bring you here just to watch."

  "Alright." Gu Pan was already prepared for whatever was next.

  "Ever ridden a horse before?"

  "No, I haven't."

  "Ever thought about learning?" Su Chiyuan asked, placing a hand on Gu Pan's shoulder with a smile.

  “Not yet…”

  At that moment, amid the cheers of the crowd, a white horse broke away from its competitors at the last moment to cross the finish line. Su Chiyuan immediately turned to Gu Pan, ensuring that the boy was inspired by the joy of others' victory.

  "Ever thought about it?"

  "Not really."

  "Really? Trust me, you'll love it! Come on, let's get you suited up."


  In the reception area of the service center, Su Chiyuan discussed with the person in charge while Gu Pan waited about five meters away. He could vaguely hear their conversation about choosing an instructor.

  Su Chiyuan's main concerns were pretty clear. For example, whether the instructor specialized in English-style riding, Western-style riding, or casual riding. How was their safety record? Were they full-time or part-time?

  After the discussion, Su Chiyuan called Gu Pan over to get ready.

  "The coach I knew from a few years ago isn't here anymore, so I took some time to find a good one for you. I think you'll like them."

  "Mr. Su, I'm just here to take a simple ride, no need to go through all this trouble..."

  "It's necessary. Safety first. And if you learn something, even better. You know, I'm still shaken up from that rafting mishap we had last time."

  "Okay." Gu Pan understood. Even with lingering fears, Su Chiyuan's insistence on this risky activity was because it held a special meaning that couldn't be ignored. Just like every other past and future plan, they all formed a complete circle, each one essential.

  "Alright, go with the instructor!"

  Su Chiyuan found the best spot by the field and watched as Gu Pan and his white horse went from a leisurely walk to a slow trot and finally to a full gallop. He was thrilled by the boy's natural talent. Unable to contain his excitement, he raised his arm and shouted, "Gu Pan, you're amazing!"

  Gu Pan heard him from afar and looked back. Seeing Su Chiyuan's solitary figure brought tears to his eyes. He couldn't understand why this successful, wise, and experienced man, carrying unspoken burdens, kept showering him with such persistent "affection." It was almost obsessive. As a psychologist who should solve others' mysteries, Su Chiyuan seemed almost desperately in need of someone else's help...

  Su Chiyuan was still waving from a distance. The sunlight, the grass, the sound of wind as advanced riders sped by—all of it was invigorating. Gu Pan couldn't help but raise his arm in response. He held the reins with one hand and joyfully galloped away.

  "Mr. Su, I'm back!"

  Hearing this, Su Chiyuan entered the field to meet him. He stood with his palms facing each other, elbows bent, like a brother or father waiting to catch a boy picking peaches from a tree. Gu Pan's horse circled around him a few times before coming to a stop. Gu Pan dismounted, and as soon as his feet touched the ground, Su Chiyuan embraced him and planted a firm kiss on his forehead before letting go.

  The two strolled slowly towards the service center.

  "Hey kid, how was it? Enjoy yourself?" Su Chiyuan passed Gu Pan a tissue, motioning for him to mop his brow.

  "Yeah... this horse, it's like it gets me," Gu Pan panted, still catching his breath and reeling from the surprise kiss. It wasn't the first time his forehead had been treated like this—from being stared at and touched in that small-town hotel to being kissed in a mix of relief and joy after narrowly escaping danger by the river. But this time felt different. Mr. Su wasn't seizing a vulnerable moment; he did it right out in the open, bold as brass!

  "What's on your mind? Since you feel a connection, how about you make this horse your regular pick every week?"

  "Every week? I'm not sure about that," Gu Pan, having wiped his forehead dry, felt the sweat coming back.

  "Don't worry about the cost, it's not much."

  "It's not about the money. I'm worried I won't have the time."

  "Ah, is junior year hitting you hard? Figuring out your focus now? Hotels, travel agencies, or something else?"

  "Travel agency. We're diving into travel agency operations and planning routes. Plus, I'm sneaking in some hotel management electives too."

  "Is your academic workload taking up your weekends?"

  "Not entirely. I have a part-time job on weekends and I'm also taking cooking classes."

  "Cooking classes... dating someone?"

  "Yeah." Gu Pan avoided eye contact but spoke firmly.

  "Not the girl your mother had in mind?"

  "No, not her. It's someone I really like." Gu Pan placed his palm over his left chest.

  "Oh. Interested to know what she's like."

  "Talented, intelligent, gentle."

  "Talented, intel... haha, I can picture her based on my criteria for women's charm."

  "Mr. Su, please don't compare her to any intellectual or celebrity. She's very unique. There's no one like her." Gu Pan looked proud as he glanced over.

  "I'd love to meet her someday! You've piqued my curiosity."

  "Mr. Su, if your curiosity picks the wrong target, the heavens will punish you!"

  "Haha, you little devil!" Su Chiyuan's hand rose high and then descended slowly, casting a golden beam that touched the boy's mop of hair like sunlight filtering through foliage.

  "I was just kidding earlier. But seriously, she's more saintly than Lady Godiva in John Collier's paintings!"

  "Yeah, you gotta meet her!" Su Chiyuan gave Gu Pan a reassuring pat on the shoulder. From that moment on, the seed he planted in Gu Pan's heart began to sprout roots. It wouldn't be long before it flourished. But no one could say for sure when the time would be right.

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