Chapter 46

  Before Li Danxia's call, Gu Pan had been simmering with frustration about not being able to take the next step with the "man of principles."

  In his self-analysis, he concluded that his mother, Li Danxia, and her rigid "family rules" were the unbreakable walls blocking his way. This wall’s presence was why he had never outright rejected Lu Yitong's constant flirtations.

  Gu Pan felt like a real asshole.

  But the early morning call was like a sword ready to slice through those barriers.

  His mother’s first words were a verbal slap: "So, you think you’re all grown up now, huh?!"

  Li Danxia was fuming, questioning if her son had lost his mind. "Are you out of your damn mind? You’ve got a great girl like Yitong and instead you’re cozying up to some old woman?!" In her book, "old" had nothing to do with actual age. Even if the woman was just a month older than Gu Pan, the label stuck.

  "Yes!" Gu Pan’s response was firm and unwavering.

  "Yes to what? Yes, you’ve lost your mind, or yes, you’re doing this to spite me? Your mom’s been diagnosed with worsening hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes… Oh, God, you’re killing me here!" Li Danxia clutched the edge of the table with one hand and rubbed her forehead with the other, breathing heavily. "Spit it out, what is it? Speak up!"

  "That woman, she’s the one I love."

  "Are you out of your damn mind?! You’re getting more and more outrageous! What did I tell you? You were just a kid then, running wild with that little hellion; I didn’t blame you. But you saw how toxic she was. She killed your uncle, blinded your grandma. Even our neighbor had bad luck for those couple of years. Now, just when that girl isn’t hanging onto you anymore, you go and find an older woman… Are you trying to kill me?"

  "I know exactly what kind of person she is. Mom, I love her…"

  Love? What do you know about love at your age? You haven’t got a clue!" Li Danxia dismissed Gu Pan’s heartfelt attempt to explain his true feelings with a wave of her hand.

  Gu Pan fell momentarily silent, reflecting on his youthful memories tinged with hidden secrets. A bitter smirk crossed his face. "Mom, you say I don’t understand love. Well, maybe you’re right. But if there’s anyone who knows about ‘love,’ it’s definitely you, Mom!"

  "You…!" Li Danxia was left speechless. Her face flushed with anger and embarrassment, like waves crashing tumultuously within. Yet, deep down, it felt like she was dragged back into an old, haunting nightmare.

  In that nightmare, a face remained frozen in time as it had been ten years ago.

  For years, she had chosen to ignore the whispers about her ambiguous relationship with Lai Yonggang. She neither defended nor retaliated, opting instead to protect her private sanctuary, where cherished memories sustained her weary soul.

  Gossip has an expiration date. Whether a year, two, or ten, scandals without solid evidence fade away as those involved move on or grow old. Thus, she remained simply a prosperous landlady with a successful son, a compliant husband, and a knack for hospitality, overseeing a bustling mahjong parlor. Life was comfortable and stable.

  Her son's defiance left her unable to turn a blind eye. Yet, she couldn't erupt, couldn't willingly unearth buried ghosts for her son to trample upon. Suppressing her anger had its consequences—once again, Yu Yan, that "wretched girl," charged at her with the same fearful malice she'd displayed at ten years old. The resentment toward this "older" woman deepened.

  "I'll give you time to reconsider," Li Danxia warned. "Remember, if you dare to misbehave, that shameless woman—I won't spare either of you!"

  "Mother, being your biological son doesn't mean I'm destined for misbehavior or shamelessness! I refuse to believe it's hereditary!" Gu Pan's tone remained calm, his expression resolute. When someone dared to touch his sore spot, he retaliated with a low, ruthless intensity.

  "You insolent brat—"

  Gu Pan decisively hung up the phone.

  This was a fiercely intense morning for him. Struggling, breaking free, his posture far from dignified, blood seeping from the rope-burned areas. Yet, when Ling Hanlu's elusive smile appeared before him, his taut muscles relaxed. Remembering how she'd gone momentarily stunned on the couch when he'd surprised her, then lightly patted his trembling back before pulling away as if shocked, his pain dissipated...


  On his way to the Business School, Gu Pan felt his pocket buzz several times. It was unmistakably Lu Yitong calling. Just before entering the school gates, the calls stopped. The quiet lasted only until Gu Pan cycled to the parking area. He parked his bike and grabbed his backpack. As he started walking, he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, and it buzzed again.

  Holding it in his hand, staring at the flashing screen, Gu Pan couldn't ignore it anymore. He answered.

  "You're not mad at me, are you?" Lu Yitong's voice trembled, bringing back memories of the vulnerable girl he'd seen at the police station.

  "Haha," Gu Pan couldn't suppress a laugh. Lu Yitong's opening line confirmed his suspicions.

  "You're really not angry?" Lu Yitong's voice quivered. "I thought I was done for this time!"

  "Not at all. I'm grateful you confided in my mom," Gu Pan quickly corrected himself from saying "complained," surprised he'd actually thought twice before speaking.

  "Really? That's incredible!" Lu Yitong's sadness turned to joy, though it was hard to believe.

  "Really. I apologize sincerely for my past behavior towards you. I'm sorry!" Gu Pan's tone was earnest, almost bowing through the phone.

  "Gu Pan, I..." Lu Yitong's voice trembled with joy.

  "I've already talked to my mom about it. I like that older woman. My mom has her reasons for disliking or favoring someone, but my feelings for someone are my own, without any particular reason." Gu Pan had just stepped onto the steps of the teaching building, but he stepped back, ensuring his posture remained upright. "Please pass on to my mom that I don't need to reconsider!"

  For the first time in nineteen years, he felt such unreserved joy, like being gently guided by two encouraging hands. Pushed along, he took advantage of the ten minutes before class to hurry to the notice board he usually ignored.

  There, against a blue background with red and black letters, were posted various campus community service organization notices. He snapped photos one by one, sifting through them, ready to embrace the new world that lay ahead.


  At the end of the school day, Gu Pan rode his bike over to the Commerce Building on the west side of town.

  He'd seen ads for a "Little Chef" training class there. There were a few places offering similar courses, but considering the distance and cost, Gu Pan decided to give this one a shot.

  Ever since the first night of school in A City, Gu Pan had been tallying up his earnings from his part-time job at the pastry shop. Today was no exception.

  He felt grateful to his boss, who had studied French pastry abroad and then returned to China, for giving him a chance. That act of kindness had really boosted his journey to "declare independence."

  And then there was his dad's support.

  Just as Gu Pan was getting on his bike, he received a voice message from his father. It was another touching moment between them, following their heart-to-heart chat over drinks on Lantern Festival night.

  He explained that amidst Li Danxia's frantic and jumbled rant, he had managed to piece together the whole story. "You're gonna carve your own path sooner or later. Believe it or not, I've been waiting for this day since you graduated high school. Never thought it'd be over a woman... There's not much I can do, but I've thought it through, just trying to foresee any potential mess-ups. Knowing your mom, I'm worried your quality of life might take a hit for a bit. You're growing up, but you're just starting out. I wanna stick by you a little longer..."

  Gu Xueping sent his son thirty grand, with a note: "Start off on the right foot with a good pair of shoes!"

  When Gu Pan arrived at "Little Chef," the guy in charge was deep in chat with a woman, totally unaware of him. He stepped back, sat in the corridor outside, and waited.

  A few minutes later, the woman left. Gu Pan approached the door and gave it a light tap.

  The studio head, a middle-aged guy of average build and looks, invited Gu Pan in for a chat.

  "We do small-group classes for both Chinese and Western cooking, twelve students max. Right now, let me check... Ah, just confirming," he glanced at the file open on his computer, nodding, "Yup, there are a few spots left in both the Chinese and Western classes. What are you thinking?" He handed the tall young man a slick brochure detailing the courses and costs.

  "Um..." Gu Pan held the glossy brochure, feeling like he was in a fog.

  The array of Chinese stir-frying, frying, deep-frying, sautéing, and steaming, alongside Western cuisines from England, France, Germany, America, Greece, Portugal, and Spain, left Gu Pan dazzled and indecisive.

  "You planning to be a chef, kid? Or..." the head asked.

  "Nah, just wanna cook for someone, make her love eating," Gu Pan replied, not seeing any issue with his statement but feeling a bit awkward discussing it with a stranger. He instinctively watched for the guy's reaction.

  The head scratched his head, revealing a slightly receding hairline, a gesture he repeated twice. Clearly, Gu Pan's honesty caught him off guard, leaving him momentarily speechless. Yet there seemed to be something more in his silence.

  "Is... there a problem?" Gu Pan wondered why this straightforward transaction was suddenly so cryptic and serious.

  "A problem? No, of course not. It's just... quite a coincidence. Did you notice the woman who just left?" The head's eyes held a half-smile, half-mystery, seeming excited about revealing an answer that might surprise or even fluster Gu Pan. "Long hair, gray clothes. Did you see her?"

  "I saw her, but didn't get a good look at her face," Gu Pan strained to recall those brief seconds.

  "She came today to enroll too. I asked her the same question, and she gave the same answer as you," the head chuckled. "Quite a coincidence, wouldn't you say?"

  "Yeah, kinda funny. So, which class did she choose?" Gu Pan relaxed, relieved at the revelation. But he was shocked that this guy, at his age, still found amusement in being mysterious.

  "The amateur short-term class, ah, also known as the Family Cooking class. It's more suited for folks like you who just want to master home-style dishes. Chinese cuisine. She says Chinese people's stomachs still need Chinese food to nourish them."

  Throughout the day, Gu Pan scored big. It wasn't just about feeling spiritually pumped; he ditched the talk and walked the walk, putting his plans into high gear.

  Besides hitching onto the Business School's Mountaineering Club, he also tagged into a charity gig. Future-wise, he aimed to break free from lone wolf mode, taking Su Chiyuan's cue. As for "getting back into the groove," he wasn't keen on toeing the line. Even outside the dorm clique, he could still beam his light into others' lives.

  But what really fired him up? Nailing a spot at "Little Chef" just before it hit full throttle. And hearing about a gal there with big dreams in the kitchen? That hit him like a sweet surprise. Having a kindred spirit, someone vibing on his wave? Doubled his faith, no doubt.

  Just thinking about it sent him sky high.

  He bounced out the door, practically skipping down the stairs. "Little Chef" grinned, watching him strut off.


  Throughout the day, Gu Pan hit the jackpot. It wasn't just about feeling spiritually pumped; he stopped talking and started doing, kicking his plans into overdrive.

  Besides jumping on board the Business School's Mountaineering Club, he also signed up for a charity gig. Looking ahead, he aimed to shake off the lone wolf vibe, taking Su Chiyuan's advice to heart. As for "getting back in the groove," he wasn't about conforming. Even outside the dorm crowd, he could still shine bright for others.

  But what really got his engine revving? Securing a spot at "Little Chef" just before it filled up. And finding out about a gal there with big culinary dreams? That was like a sweet surprise. Having a soul sister, someone on the same wavelength? Doubled his confidence, no question.

  Just thinking about it lifted him to cloud nine.

  He bounded out the door, practically skipping down the stairs. "Little Chef" grinned, watching him strut away.

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