Chapter 70

  Ling Hanlu replayed the motions she used last time to judge the quality of ingredients while shopping, copying the actions at the farmer's market. She sniffed, squeezed, tapped—but it was all a bit of a show, didn't really get her anywhere.

  Frustrated, she went with the easiest way out.

  Half an hour later, she got home with a bag of fresh stuff picked based just on how much she liked the folks selling it.

  It was a whim that put a smile on her face.

  After washing 'em up, she laid the goods out on the cutting board. All those colors—red, green, white, yellow—staring her in the face, making her wonder if she should cut 'em into sticks, slices, or chunks.

  Taking a breather in the kitchen, she put down the knife and grabbed her phone.

  "You at home?"

  "Nah, just helping out with some school club stuff. What's goin' on?"

  "Picked up some grub but I need someone to cook."

  "Can I swing by before 10? Cool with you?"

  "No rush, finish up there..."

  "Can't wait, though! Hold tight!"


  In front of the residential gate, the old security guard clocked the young dude's swagger from afar and smartly stepped aside. Gu Pan zoomed in on his two-wheeled ride, zipping through like greased lightning.

  He zipped into the building, hit the elevator, and coasted all the way up. But as he popped out of the lift, his pumped-up stride hit a sudden snag. There was a gal in laid-back lounge gear, propped against the wall with a grin for him.

  "Wow, greeting me at the door like this, no need to be so formal."

  "This is the VIP treatment for the head chef!" Ling Hanlu grabbed a pair of slippers and placed them at Gu Pan's feet.

  "Alright, much obliged." Gu Pan slipped into the slippers and reached out, grabbing the woman's wrist. "You're looking different today!"

  "Hehe..." With the young man's fingers gently intertwined with hers, Ling Hanlu used a gentle pull on his wrist to lead this slightly sweaty-faced guest into the vibrant kitchen.

  Glancing at the neatly organized vegetables and meats by the sink, Gu Pan quickly calculated how to use them most efficiently. Bending down, he pulled open a drawer, searching for his familiar apron.

  But it wasn't there.

  At that moment, Ling Hanlu smiled mysteriously. Without waiting for Gu Pan's reaction, she unfolded the new apron she had secretly acquired and took hold of its straps. "Hey kiddo, lend me a hand here!"

  The young man bowed his head as the woman deftly helped him into the apron.

  "Ling Teacher, did you buy this just for me?" Gu Pan murmured, trying to make out the design on the apron.

  "Of course."

  "Li... tt... le..." Gu Pan struggled to decipher the characters upside down.


  "I went with 'Little Warm Guy,'" Ling Hanlu nodded towards the Chinese characters stitched above the gingerbread man's head. "Man, it was a real hunt. Almost everything was 'Big Warm Guys' and 'Little Fairies.' I asked this one store if they had a combo of 'Little Warm Guy' and 'Old Fairy.' They were super helpful, checked around, and finally snagged me a set: 'Little Warm Guy' and 'Old Witch.' They even asked if I wanted them. You bet I said yes!"

  Ling Hanlu kept on talking in front of Gu Pan. He got her drift perfectly—it was pure comfort and chill vibes. Going down during their private hangouts, her mix of bashfulness and youthfulness shone for him alone... It was more than just shy and youthful.

  "I inquired about that 'Old Witch' one?"

  "Wanna check it out?"

  "Yeah, I'd love to see you rock it."

  "Wearing... well, I suppose I could. It's just a tad embarrassing," Ling Hanlu hesitated, her cheeks turning a shade of red.

  "Oh?" Gu Pan's mouth curved into a playful half-smile, a mix of teasing and genuine curiosity.

  "Well, you'll get the picture once I put it on. Let's give it a shot!"

  Ling Hanlu reached up and retrieved a neatly folded royal blue apron from the top cabinet. She unfolded it with a mix of push and lift, gradually revealing its intricate design.

  "Help me with this!" Ling Hanlu extended her arms as Gu Pan slipped the strap over her.

  But just as the apron snugly fit against her body, Gu Pan held her tightly. He gently moved forward until her back lightly touched the wall. "Teacher, even in this, you're a goddess."

  "Do you think the gingerbread man is a child or an adult?" Ling Hanlu, under the gentle yet assertive atmosphere, began to stutter, her tone wavering.

  "I mean, even if he started out as a kid, he's gotta grow up someday, right?"

  "Which version of this little dude's story do you dig the most? I know two, wanna hear 'em?"

  "Spill it."

  "Well, there's the one where the little guy bolts from the oven, you probably heard of that."

  "Yeah, vaguely."

  "And then there's another one about lovers torn apart by war but staying true, searching for each other through villagers selling gingerbread shapes... Which one tickles your fancy?"

  "I'll stick with the first. And, I hope after he makes his getaway, he doesn't run into a fox but the woman he's sweet on."

  "What if he bumps into an old hag?" Ling Hanlu's gaze dropped to the gingerbread man resting against her chest.

  "Then... kiss her..."

  Gu Pan pressed closer, holding her tight, their lips exchanging warmth and moisture.

  Strands of her hair slid softly against the wall, like a smooth melody's reluctant pause. Gu Pan noticed and casually pulled out her hair tie, tossing it aside.

  Her medium-length hair cascaded down to her collarbone, framing her face delicately and appealingly. Acting on impulse, he suddenly swept her up horizontally... "Can we? The bedroom."

  Ling Hanlu didn't reply, lightly biting her lip. She gazed, entranced by Gu Pan's thick eyelashes casting shadows beneath his eyes in the spotlight. They were so lush, making the young man seem soft and plush, like some juicy, tender fruit.

  She stared, captivated.

  "Teacher, can we?" Gu Pan's arms wrapped around her neck. "If you're tired, just put me down!"

  "Don't underestimate me!"

  In the bedroom, the laptop on the desk continued humming, its screensaver intermittently displaying inspirational quotes.

  Gently placing the woman down, the young man glanced up to see a line on the screen catch his eye: "Cherish every fleeting moment, don't neglect it!"

  The words resonated perfectly with the moment. Even amidst the pulsing hormones, he couldn't help but whisper them, his lips still tingling from hers.

  Ling Hanlu reclined on the bed, her sensitivity to words compelling her to ponder. Facing the young man, whose heat hovered above her, she murmured intermittently:

  "the moment is transitory, but it will be an imperishable memory in your heart... what you see now you will never see again... never, never?"

  "Teacher, what do you mean 'never see again'? What's 'imperishable'?" Gu Pan propped himself up, gazing at Ling Hanlu with puzzled curiosity.

  She shook her head, tears spilling from the corners of her eyes. "No, I'm sorry!" she said, curling her legs up and turning to lie on her side, her shoulders shaking.

  "Teacher, are you feeling unwell?" Gu Pan was at a loss.

  "It's not about you. I'm sorry, it's my emotions. I'm sorry."

  "I'll get some water!"

  "No need, just stay here." Ling Hanlu grabbed his hand.

  "What's wrong?" Gu Pan sat closer.

  Ling Hanlu sat up and hugged him. "Promise me you'll be okay!"

  When she recited those disjointed English lines, she unexpectedly thought of her friend Xu Shuping's recent ordeal. It wasn't really relevant, but her mind went there anyway. She felt guilty towards the young man. "I'm sorry."

  "Teacher, if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to. I'll cook something."

  "Wait... my friend Shuping, her older friend recently passed away. Sorry, my mind wandered, and I couldn't control my emotions." Ling Hanlu patted her cheeks, trying to calm down.

  "That is really sad, I'm sorry to hear that. Please don't be too upset, I'll go cook."

  "I'll help too!" Ling Hanlu wiped away her tears, smiling with all her teeth.

  "Alright then! Let's go together."

  Suddenly, the ringing of the phone interrupted them.

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