Chapter 53

  When the knock on the door came, Ling Hanlu was just standing in the living room, not far from the entrance. She took a couple of quick strides to the door and peered through the peephole but saw no one there.

  However, she could hear the sound of hurried footsteps retreating down the hallway.

  Without hesitation, she swung the door open.

  On top of the shoe cabinet sat a wooden box with a handle. A light blue sticky note on it read: *Eat it while it’s hot!*

  “Come back here!” Ling Hanlu’s voice was a mix of sternness and warmth.

  “Oh!” The would-be escapee, who had thought he’d made a clean getaway, sheepishly stepped out of the elevator and shuffled back towards the apartment. He angled his head, moving sideways like a crab, towards the woman who had just called him back.

  “What’s with the crab walk?” Ling Hanlu stifled a laugh at his rare display of awkwardness.

  “Oh? Do you want some crab? Are you talking about river crabs or those from the sea? Like king crab, blue crab, or maybe even swimming crab…” The aspiring future master chef’s mind immediately started scanning through a list of crab dishes.

  “Alright, alright, thank you! Just come in, will you?”

  The food box was a beautifully crafted two-tiered lacquerware container.

  “This lacquerware is stunning!” Ling Hanlu marveled at the detailed artwork on the box, completely absorbed in its beauty. She showed no interest in looking inside. Gu Pan, watching her fascination from the side, grew increasingly anxious. He felt like he was witnessing a real-life version of the story where someone buys an exquisite box but leaves the treasure inside behind.

  “It’s going to get cold!” he finally exclaimed, stepping forward to snap Ling Hanlu out of her reverie over the box.

  But he was still standing awkwardly, half-turned away, his movements clumsy and suspicious.

  “Turn around and let me have a look at you!” Ling Hanlu commanded, noticing his odd behavior and feeling a surge of unease.

  “Uh, the food’s here. Just enjoy it! I gotta go now! I bought two sets of these boxes, so we can switch them out,” Gu Pan mumbled, quickly turning on his heel and making a beeline for the door.

  “Hold it right there! If you keep acting all shady, you can take the food box back with you!” Ling Hanlu didn’t move from her spot, but her stern tone and furrowed brow left no doubt—she wasn’t buying his story for a second.

  The boy stepped back inside. The stern command and the worry etched on Ling Hanlu's face made it impossible for him to ignore her. Reluctantly, he turned to reveal the other side of his face.

  “...” Ling Hanlu's heart clenched at the sight. “Did you fall? Or… get into a fight?”

  “It’s a long story,” Gu Pan muttered, not wanting to recount the near-death experience from the rafting trip. The thought of how he had accidentally fallen into the water and bumped his head was a blow to his pride.

  “Come here, closer,” Ling Hanlu said, extending her arms, palms up. Her body language was clear and caring.

  Gu Pan obediently sat down in front of the coffee table, right next to where Ling Hanlu stood. He braced himself for the inevitable questions about his bruised and battered face. But they didn’t come. Instead, she leaned in close, her big glasses magnifying her concerned eyes, as she examined the swollen, scabbed, and red patches on his face.

  One hand pressed to her chest, she seemed to feel the boy’s pain even more acutely. “Does it still hurt? Does it hurt?” she asked repeatedly, her voice full of concern.

  "Ms. Ling, are you worried?" Gu Pan adjusted his posture to give Ling Hanlu a better view, but he couldn’t resist stealing glances at her, trying to gauge her expression.

  "Hmm… well," Ling Hanlu's fingers delicately traced over the bruise on Gu Pan’s forehead, "but luckily, it didn’t get near your eye. I’m just concerned… will it leave a scar?"

  "It’s no big deal. I’m not aiming to be a movie star. If it scars, it scars..." Gu Pan attempted to dismiss it with a nonchalant shrug.

  "Wait a second!" Ling Hanlu interrupted him before he could finish his brave statement. Her eyes blinked rapidly, as if she had just had an idea, and she promptly left the room. When she returned, she was holding a small aluminum tube. "Here, take this!"

  Gu Pan accepted the tube and examined the English text on it. "Is this for scars? I hope I'm reading it right." Despite his usual confidence, being around his English teacher always made him feel a bit intimidated.

  "Be confident. It’s indeed for scars. I picked it up last summer while studying abroad. A friend dragged me to the biggest drugstore in town. I didn’t buy much else, but I thought this might come in handy for those everyday bumps and cuts, like when I accidentally nick my finger while peeling fruit. But then I realized, I hardly ever cook, and I rarely peel fruit..." Ling Hanlu chuckled lightly as she explained.

  "I'll handle these things for you, no need for you to do it yourself!" Gu Pan declared, his face partially marked by injury but his determination shining through.

  "Heh, heh..." Ling Hanlu's hand gently rested on Gu Pan's buzz-cut hair. "Child, do you even realize what you're saying?"

  "Of course. I'm in my twenties now, and..." Gu Pan began, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the age gap with this woman.

  "How amusing! I have a friend, a few years older than me, who always dreams of reliving her teenage years. And here you are, barely an adult but carrying yourself like a grown man," Ling Hanlu chuckled.

  "I may not quite be a grown man yet, but I am indeed a man! And as I've said before—it's you who has inspired me to want to understand the world better. I'm willing to become stronger for you!"

  "However," Ling Hanlu twirled Gu Pan's upright hair between her thumb and forefinger, "you're just starting out in this world. Every day is a new beginning for you. It's a fresh life, ready to carve out a bold future. Haven't you ever had dreams like that?"

  "No matter what I do, will you be there with me? Of course, I'm not sure how you define 'bold'. Is it wealth? Status? Or something else... Let me clarify: if I can't reach the heights of a wealthy mogul or a political leader in the future, it won't be because of you. It'll be because maybe my abilities aren't strong enough, my ambitions aren't fierce enough, and honestly, I might not have had that kind of natural talent to begin with." Gu Pan clenched his jaw.

  "I ain't trying to map out your future or force someone else's beliefs on ya... You've been getting stronger, for real. You just said it's 'cause of me, and even though I find that hard to believe, I trust you ain't lying."

  "Teacher Ling, are ya saying that even if I bust my butt and only end up bein' average, you'd still accept me, right?" The kid's intense look, highlighted by the scar on their brow, burned with even more passion and determination.

  "To be honest, giving it your all and finding a place that suits you is already no easy feat."

  "I remember in one of your classes you talked about Maugham, how he said something famous about giving it your all and living an ordinary life."

  "Yeah. But it shouldn't be twisted just to suit someone's agenda. Because any catchy phrase, it's bound to be open to misinterpretation by those with ulterior motives..."

  "Ulterior motives?"

  "Yeah. Oh, am I sounding a bit too preachy? All formal and lecture-like?"

  "Nah, I like listening to you."

  "Yeah, okay. So, these phrases sound all catchy and seem like they're meant to be eye-opening, but they come in all shapes and sizes, tailored to fit pleasing faces and maintain a calm mental balance. But circling back to the heart of it, I don't think the author's intention in writing them was to suggest we resign ourselves to the fate of 'ordinary,' or to glamorize laziness and negativity as simplicity, and then force-feed us the idea that 'plainness is truth.' And certainly not to encourage us to use them like a self-numbing drink, only to give up on effort afterward."

  "... " The young man's eyes stared deeply. Thick eyelashes framed them, pupils lost in contemplation.

  "What's up? Feeling dizzy?"

  "No. I understand."

  The youth lifted his head. Around the edges of his brow, marked with shades of blue, red, purple, and black, his eyes shone even brighter. Under the gentle soothing of the slender woman, he became as gentle as some kind of animal. For a moment, he felt as though his eyes could only discern black and white in the surroundings, with the hostess being the only color.

  "Ling Hanlu's fingers lingered on Gu Pan's stiff hair tips, almost as if addicted. She pressed her whole palm against them, reluctant to withdraw, like someone yearning for a freshly mowed lawn in sunlight, emitting the freshest scent of leaves, better than any expensive fragrance."

  "Teacher Ling, having fun?" Gu Pan turned his head playfully, teasing Ling Hanlu's hand on his 'felt' hair.


  "I mean, my hair... is it amusing?"

  "Oh, sorry, sorry." Ling Hanlu quickly pulled back her hand.

  "It's okay. I just suddenly wanted to ask you something. What does it mean when someone touches their forehead?"

  "Are you asking me to explain my earlier gesture?" Ling Hanlu blushed momentarily. She felt such an intimate gesture, if natural, needed no explanation unless it seemed inappropriate. Was this kid hinting at something?

  "Not specifically about you, but in general. If someone touches another person's forehead while they're asleep, what does it signify?"

  "Touching the forehead... a few things come to mind. Like when a mother touches her child's forehead, it's out of maternal concern, checking if the child is too hot and adjusting the bedding. Or when a kindergarten teacher touches a baby's forehead, it might be to soothe them if they're pretending to sleep. But the second one might be off the mark, pardon me. Any other instances? Feel free to add."

  "Well... what about a man touching another man's forehead? Not father-son or any elder-to-younger relation. Just between two adults."

  "While the other person is asleep?"


  "Besides deep affection, I can't think of any other reason. Your question reminds me of the Roman Emperor Hadrian and the beautiful youth Antinous. The latter was the emperor's beloved, but tragically drowned in the Nile River. A love story of sorrow... Hadrian was a highly accomplished emperor, but his same-sex relationship somewhat tarnished his legacy. However, their love story has its aesthetic value..."

  "Oh—Teacher Ling, would you consider doing a special on this story?" Gu Pan tried to steer the conversation towards academia, avoiding giving away his intentions to Ling Hanlu and potentially causing any unnecessary misunderstandings. He worried that this approach might cloud his motives for getting closer to women. That would be just unfair!

  "Doing a special? Strictly speaking, that's not within my course scope. So, probably not—at least not right now," Ling Hanlu responded, clearly steered towards an academic perspective.

  "Alright, I understand."

  For Gu Pan, Ling Hanlu's mention of "deep affection" further confirmed the peculiar behavior of Su Chiyuan in that small town hotel room. Yet, instead of easing his confusion, it only heightened his sense that something overwhelming was about to unfold soon. Those involved would include Su Chiyuan, himself, and perhaps others.

  "What are you thinking about?" Ling Hanlu seemed to notice a hidden worry in the youth's eyes, despite not knowing its cause.

  "I'm thinking... about this!" Gu Pan held up the tube of scar removal cream to Ling Hanlu. "Do I just apply it directly?"

  "After cleaning the skin, squeeze out a pea-sized amount onto your fingertip..." Ling Hanlu took a moist tissue, carefully wiped the slightly scabbed area, and blew on it before gently applying the translucent cream.

  "Thank you."

  Gu Pan caught a whiff of the fresh, soapy fragrance from her blouse and couldn't resist taking a few deep breaths. His subtle, lingering actions didn't escape Ling Hanlu's notice, though she made no move to stop him. In this moment, memories of Xu Shuping and Liang Chen came to her mind, their nostalgic friendship confined within the walls of a simple hut.

  In the living room of Green Garden Community, only she and Gu Pan remained. Moved by the atmosphere, she shed the composure from her voice and softly inquired, "Reminds you of a mother's scent?"

  "How could it? It's clearly a woman's scent. Smells lovely..."

  "Hmm." Ling Hanlu neither confirmed nor denied, unsure of how to respond in this delicate situation.

  The youth had purposefully avoided the word "mother," replacing it with "woman" in his youthful, vibrant tone. The profound beauty of his words was like placing a withered rose into a vase filled with nurturing water.

  In room 502, a shared silence enveloped them both.

  In this space, only roses and the gentle murmur of nourishing fluid whispered softly...

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