Chapter 59

  Recently, two pieces of news from the School of Foreign Languages at City A University have become hot topics. First, Associate Professor Ling Hanlu from the English Department has been recuperating at home since she inexplicably fainted in class. Second, the Head of the English Department, Fang Yucheng, was recently taken in by the police for investigation.

  These aren’t exactly earth-shattering headlines. However, the fact that both individuals belong to the same department, are single, and have a superior-subordinate relationship, and that these incidents occurred consecutively, has sparked considerable speculation.

  Of course, these are merely rumors, and even the most curious can only indulge in wild guesses. Xu Shuping, on the other hand, is different. She can go straight to the source.

  After Ling Hanlu had been on leave for a week, Xu Shuping paid her a visit.

  Swamped with household chores, she couldn't find the time to visit. After five consecutive days of video calls, Xu Shuping finally made it to her best friend’s house to apologize in person.

  "Hanlu, I'm so sorry, sweetie, I'm here!" Xu Shuping burst out of the elevator, carrying a large box of fruit and calling out loudly. Her voice echoed down the hallway, startling the elderly gentleman next door, who quickly opened his big iron door to take a peek and then quickly shut it.

  Ling Hanlu heard the commotion from inside, got up, and went to the door, leaning against the frame to wait.

  "You’re here?" She clutched the front of her robe, a lock of messy hair hanging over her forehead.

  "Oh my poor dear, you couldn't tell from the video, but up close, you really have lost weight!" Xu Shuping helped Ling Hanlu back to the sofa, covering her with a light blanket.

  "Making you leave your kids behind on the weekend to come see me, I feel really bad about it."

  "Stop being so polite with me! So, what exactly happened to you? I heard it was food poisoning. And you even had to call 911, that’s scary!" Xu Shuping massaged Ling Hanlu's ankles through the blanket, then moved to her legs.

  "Yeah, I just need to be more careful about what I eat from now on. It's nothing serious, don’t worry." Ling Hanlu realized after she spoke that “being careful about what I eat” was a double entendre.

  “You’re not usually so careless, are you? How did this happen? And by the way, did you hear that Fang Yucheng got taken in by the police? As much as I can’t stand his holier-than-thou act, I never thought he’d break the law.”

  “Him? Yeah, I’ve heard. Let’s just wait and see what the investigation turns up… Anyway, enough about that. Let’s talk about something else,” Ling Hanlu deliberately changed the subject. She knew that even though she was just a witness in Fang Yucheng’s case, the wild stories that people would come up with would inevitably make her out to be the villain again.

  On the coffee table, a plain thermos cup sat open, steaming. No longer did it contain the herbal tea enjoyed by centenarians from the southwestern border. Perhaps the longevity tea did have some miraculous properties; its potency might have lessened the impact of the poison, saving her from a worse fate.

  Thinking this, Ling Hanlu felt she was indeed a fortunate person.

  “Hanlu, what are you daydreaming about?” Xu Shuping noticed Ling Hanlu staring intently at the steam rising from the cup. Following her gaze, she took in the other items on the coffee table: a few magazines, a pair of large-frame glasses, and a fruit platter with two plastic forks stuck into the pieces of dragon fruit.

  “Huh? Oh, Shuping, would you like some fruit? It’s hardly been touched,” Ling Hanlu snapped out of her reverie and remembered to offer her guest some refreshments.

  “Had company over?” Xu Shuping’s keen eye for detail never missed a thing.


  “What’s going on?” Xu Shuping leaned forward, her eyes, tired from housework, suddenly sparkling with interest. “Tell me all about it!”

  “It’s just that…”

  At that moment, the door's keypad beeped rhythmically, and the door unlocked smoothly. In less than two seconds, a young man appeared, carrying grocery bags and deftly changing his shoes at the shoe cabinet. He was visibly out of breath and flushed from running. But when he saw Xu Shuping sitting on the couch, he froze. His flushed face turned pale, his eyes widened, and his mouth fell open.

  "Oh—Gu Pan! That's right, isn't it? I got it right, didn't I? Haha!" Xu Shuping's voice was louder than usual, her tone unusually cheerful. She used her unique way of breaking the ice to mask her own discomfort. In her mind, she had already connected the dots, needing no further explanation from Ling Hanlu.

  "Yes, his name is Gu Pan," Ling Hanlu said, sitting up and adjusting the blanket on her legs. "Gu Pan, come on in, those bags look heavy! Let me formally introduce you, this is my best friend, Teacher Xu Shuping."

  "Hello, Teacher Xu! I came over this morning to make some chicken soup for Teacher Ling, but then I realized I was missing some spices, so I went out to buy some..." Gu Pan quickly explained his actions.

  "Oh, I see!" Xu Shuping found it amusing, thinking that the boy had mistaken her for a surprise inspector from school.

  She glanced at Ling Hanlu, who shrugged, clearly leaving the decision up to her.

  Xu Shuping, displaying the keen insight typical of women her age, pretended to have a tickle in her throat. She coughed lightly, gave a few more instructions, and then found an excuse to leave.

  Gu Pan helped Ling Hanlu settle back on the couch. Soon, the sounds of washing and chopping came from the kitchen.

  It had been a long time since she felt such peace and comfort.

  She remembered as a child how she loved to rush to bed while the adults were still up, working in the kitchen or living room. She liked hearing them move about, liked being enveloped in the warm glow of the orange lights.

  Her father, Ling Kangwen, understood his daughter well. No matter how late it was, even during the grueling days of her senior year in high school, he always created a reassuring atmosphere for his beloved Hanlu.

  Later, her father handed her over to that person. But then, that person sold his soul to the devil.

  She couldn't remember how long it took before she no longer saw flashes of knives and blood or heard the desperate screams of a young girl when she closed her eyes at night. She rented a place, immersed herself in a new environment, and forced herself to sleep in absolute silence. Over time, she slowly got used to it. But now, hearing the sounds of cooking and running water in the kitchen, and feeling comforted by a young man's efforts, she thought it might take some time to readjust to the night's silence again.

  “Let it simmer for now.” Gu Pan quietly appeared beside Ling Hanlu, crouching like a small, attentive animal.

  Ling Hanlu shifted her gaze from the ceiling to the vibrant, youthful face before her. Her fingers twitched with the urge to touch him. He was so calm, a stark contrast to the frantic boy who had sat on this very sofa ten months ago. She couldn't forget the way his body had tensed, the heat and trembling from his nervous excitement. Yet the most perplexing thing was his urgent words, "There's not enough time, it's almost too late..."

  "What exactly was almost too late?" Ling Hanlu almost whispered the question to herself. She didn’t expect Gu Pan to answer. She traced his features with her eyes, from his temples down to his chin. His skin was so smooth, how could it hide any deep, dark secrets?

  "Hmm?" Gu Pan furrowed his brow slightly. He had heard her murmur something but couldn't catch the words. It puzzled him.

  "Nothing. Let me see your forehead," Ling Hanlu raised her hand, gesturing for him to come closer.

  Gu Pan turned the bruised side of his forehead towards her, almost proudly. The woman reached out with her authoritative hand, touching the fading mark.

  "Looks like..."

  "I haven't felt any pain for a while now." Gu Pan leaned closer to the woman, wanting her to see clearly.

  "I know. What about the ointment? Have you been using it?"

  "Every day, just like my teacher said." Gu Pan's large, round eyes curved into a smile as he offered his kiwi-like head to Ling Hanlu's hand. "Does it hurt? Try it!"

  "Yeah, a bit, but it feels nice." Ling Hanlu lowered her voice and slowed her speech, afraid her racing heartbeat might give her away.

  "I'll try to keep it this length from now on, okay? If you like touching it." Gu Pan's head playfully nestled into Ling Hanlu's palm.


  "So, do you really like it?" The boy's tone sharpened, as if he needed to hear that specific word.

  "Mm, I do."

  "Can I touch your hair? I like it."


  "Okay." Gu Pan got permission and reached out. Before he could touch his target, Ling Hanlu stopped him.

  "What's wrong with your hand? Your knuckles and the side of your palm, let me see!" Ling Hanlu's expression turned serious.

  "Huh?" Gu Pan didn't know how to handle the situation without seeming obvious. Caught in a dilemma, he could only lay his hand out in front of Ling Hanlu. "Maybe I scraped it while riding my bike, it's nothing."

  "Kid, I can tell the difference between scrapes and impact injuries. Did I guess right... you went to see him, didn't you?"

  "...What were you thinking?"

  "I was worried that once the cops got involved, I'd lose my chance. So, while you were napping in the hospital room, I went to your outer courtyard. I know the place like the back of my hand; it was a walk in the park..."

  "You don't trust the law to punish him properly?"

  "Well, if you think I should trust it, then I will. But seriously, is leading that woman to your kitchen to find that dumb health tea all I'm good for? Is that my only worth?"

  "But I want to see you grow up healthy and whole. I want you to become someone with even greater value. Of course, only if you care."

  "Of course I care!" Gu Pan gripped Ling Hanlu's hands tightly and pressed them to his chest. "I care about everything you say."

  "Heh, no wonder you've been keeping your hands in your pockets these past few days." Ling Hanlu pulled her hand free and gently touched the boy's swollen knuckles with her fingertips. "How many punches?"

  "Not much, just two punches. One to the cheekbone, one to the jaw. Do you pity him?"

  "How could I? Ridiculous!"

  "Are you still mad, then?"

  "If being mad would change anything... I would've done more than just hit him." Ling Hanlu struggled to contain herself, her smile now entirely out of place and unsuitable for her professional demeanor.

  "I'm glad you're not upset."

  "Yeah. But, I never expected you had those skills. Ever been in a brawl before? Honestly."

  "Never, really. This was just a tipping point for me. You get it?"

  Ling Hanlu's gaze gently traced the contours of the boy's handsome face. Natural light poured in through the window, casting a golden hue on his temple and the sweat on his sideburns.

  "Heh, a tipping point for the kid. So good-looking..." She tried to extend her hand to touch him, but pulled back before making contact. She felt her tousled hair being carefully adjusted, and before her were the boy's bright, clear eyes and a tender smile.

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