Chapter 67

  Gupan stayed quiet, observing Ling Hanlu sitting cross-legged on the dark green lawn, taking the call.

  Her brow occasionally furrowed, which got him worried.

  On the other end, the woman was spinning a tale that followed the most "logical" path of a dramatic storyline.

  Xu Shuping said, "Liang Chen has gone missing."

  "When did this happen?"

  "A week ago. I remembered he mentioned his birthday was that day, so I called to wish him well. But his phone was dead, couldn't get through. Figured maybe he forgot to charge it and tried again that night, still dead. Been calling all week, same story. He's been away from A City for a few months, and I haven't reached out, afraid he'd think I'm hounding him for cash." Xu Shuping spoke fast, eager to lay out the situation and move on to discussing it.

  "What do you reckon?"

  "What else can I reckon? I'm worried."

  "Worried about him, or fretting over the dough?"

  "Both. It's weird, conflicting... really conflicting." Xu Shuping's voice trailed off.

  "Shuping, I get what you mean by conflicting. My gut tells me your money might be in limbo. Two things come to mind: either he's fine but avoiding you on purpose, or something serious has gone down... you catch my drift. Neither option's what we'd hope for."

  "Hanlu, what if there's another twist? Maybe he's just in a tight spot right now. Not by choice... you know, laying low, waiting for the right moment..." Xu Shuping opted to believe in the version of events she wanted to trust.

  Ling Hanlu remained silent.

  After hanging up the phone, she glanced at Gupan. The young guy sat cross-legged like her on the lawn. A dark patch stood out at the neckline of his gray sports tank, probably damp with sweat. That small hint of bodily fluid seemed to intensify the strong, masculine allure emanating from the young man. It was a fresh, straightforward scent.

  Ling Hanlu berated herself for feeling drawn to male charm while Xu Shuping was clearly troubled. Yet as she breathed in the air filled with youthful energy, her melancholy deepened. She remembered the young man who used to join Xu Shuping for walks and chats, helping her fix the doormat outside. Xu Shuping had mentioned how smooth his face was, and how compliant he was when she applied ointment...

  Ling Hanlu stood up. Seeing this, Gupan stood too.

  She took a step closer, and he stayed still. She reached his chest, and he opened his arms. She hugged his waist...

  "Teacher, what's up? Who called?" Gupan gently stroked Ling Hanlu's bun-tied hair, softly asking, "Tell me!"

  "I've got this friend, Shuping. She lost something dear to her," Ling Hanlu said, her nose brushing against the enticing contours of the young man's chest. Up close, she caught a whiff of his natural scent beneath the cotton fabric. It smelled good, enough to intoxicate a woman and make her blush. She muttered to herself, "Pull yourself together!"

  "What?" Gupan asked.

  "Oh, I mean, Shuping lost something dear."

  "Something irreplaceable?" he asked.

  "Yeah, no way to replace it."

  "How could something important like that go missing? Was it not kept safe, or..." Gupan started to think seriously.

  "It's in the past now."

  "Oh. Are you upset for your friend?"

  "A bit. Hmm... Gupan!" Ling Hanlu suddenly called out.

  "Yeah?" Gupan stood at attention.

  "You're something else," Ling Hanlu tightened her hold around his waist.

  "What's up?" Gupan was surprised yet concerned, feeling her softness like a cat. "Look up, let me see."

  Ling Hanlu's eyes were slightly red, with traces of tears at the edges. Her plain face rested in Gupan's palm.

  They locked eyes.

  "Do you see the marks of time? Kiddo," Ling Hanlu said calmly.

  "Yeah. Looks good," Gupan replied.

  "I'll let you speak the truth. I'm not mad."

  "I know you're not mad about this. You've never cared about looks since you were a kid, and that hairpin you have is still the only birthday gift from your dad."


  "The hairpin's cute. It's a bow."

  "Ah? A trip down memory lane? What else did you see?" Ling Hanlu momentarily pushed aside her worries for Xu Shuping, deliberately making her speech quirky to distract from her racing thoughts.

  "I also saw you without hair or teeth, sporting a bellyband," Gupan couldn't contain his bright smile. "Haha!"

  "...Let me think. Oh my, you startled me. Thank goodness I was wearing that bellyband. What else did you see?"

  "I saw you receiving an award for your kindness and youthful spirit. You were among a group of honored folks, the smallest one there, yet the most dazzling!"

  "Ah, my dad sure is... haha—"

  "What's up, finally remembered?"

  "Of course. It was that night after dinner when you were chatting in the yard, right? Mr. Ling Kangwen is indeed very generous."

  "Uncle Ling is a good father. He reminds me of my dad. They're different, but both are great."

  "Want to sit and talk about your dad? Standing not tiring?"

  "Not at all."

  "I remember from as far back as I can recall, my dad has always been kind of 'sticky' in his personality. Not in a weak way—I can't quite pin down the right word, but sometimes I think dialects persist for a reason."

  "'Sticky,' I think I understand," Ling Hanlu encouraged with a pat on his back.

  "He's the best at comforting himself and others that I've ever seen. First off, he never stresses over his kid not being exceptional. I've been pretty average in everything since I was little. Grades are okay, personality's on the quiet side. As for looks, well, that's subjective. Maybe started looking better after high school, got some attention."

  "You're good-looking. Especially your eyes," Ling Hanlu couldn't help but admire the faint marks on the young man's brows, a testament to the milestones she's seen him reach over the past year. "Hmm, keep going. Tell me about your dad."

  "I remember, my mom was never satisfied with me. At card tables, others would boast about their kids' accomplishments, but she had nothing to boast about. She'd turn around and criticize me. But that night, my dad would come into my room and comfort me. He'd say my mom's temper was due to health reasons."

  As Gu Pan spoke, he pictured Li Danxia sitting alone on the bridge late at night. Her constant grumbling made Gu Pan, now grown, understand that her outbursts on him as a child were not really about his behavior but because he was her and Gu Xueping's child. She harbored unresolved resentment.

  "Your father is very gentle. Sometimes I feel gentleness is true strength."

  "Yes. My dad is also gentle towards his own experiences."

  "What happened to him?"

  "Teacher, I can't say. I want to preserve my dad's dignity. There were things I questioned as a child and wanted to understand. But growing up, as the truth slowly unfolded, I realized it might be better left unknown. My dad eats well and sleeps peacefully every day. I believe he definitely holds onto some kind of belief, though I'm not sure what it is."

  "I'm not sure what 'experiences' you're referring to. But my intuition tells me his belief is likely you. Your birth, your existence, allow him to overlook all the hardships in life. He faces all the injustices with kindness, which I believe is not weakness. He must feel that making such choices is best for you."

  Gu Pan stared at the woman before him, narrating with clarity. He felt incredulous that she could offer such a clear and reasoned judgment based on his vague descriptions. And her assessment aligned perfectly with his own speculations.

  "Ha ha," Gu Pan chuckled softly.

  "What, did I say something off?" Ling Hanlu asked.

  "Nah, I'm just really chuffed, feeling proud," Gu Pan replied.

  "Proud of what?"

  "Because," Gu Pan tightened his arms around her even more, "I've got the brainiest woman in the world in my arms!"

  "Haha, kids these days love using over-the-top words. 'The brainiest,' where did that come from?"

  "I don't care, teacher, I like you..."

  Gu Pan held Ling Hanlu's neck with his hand and lowered his head. His lips were passionate and excited, and he put them on the woman's lips. He kissed her wetly.

  Ling Hanlu was stunned for a moment, but then she happily responded to the kiss. From time to time, she made a low groaning sound from her nose, which made Gu Pan's blood vessels more excited.

  "Do you like me?"

  "You asked this question."

  "Then answer it again."


  "How much do you like it?"

  "Like seafood soup."

  "Oh, then, do you have an appetite now?"

  "It seems, a little..."

  "Let's go to the sofa and eat slowly..."

  "No, I like the gym mat."

  "Haha, you're so cute."

  So on the dark green lawn, Gu Pan leaned over and kissed the already intoxicated Ling Hanlu. One of his hands slid down from the woman's shoulder to her waist, and was slowly approaching her bent and propped up legs. But at this moment, the ringing sounded again in the room.

  "The ringtone was totally different from the one Xu Shuping used to call with. It felt like it was set just for someone special. Gu Pan couldn't place the tune; all he had to go on was his lame high school music class memories. He figured it might be some Russian folk jam.

  When Ling Hanlu heard it, her eyes snapped into focus. She reached for her bag on the floor.

  "Is it urgent?" he asked.

  "Yep," she nodded.

  "Who's calling?"

  "Your uncle Ling," she said.

  Ling Hanlu sat up.

  "...," Gu Pan went quiet, leaning closer to her ear. "Mind if I tune in?"

  "Hey, Dad!"

  "Hey, Hanlu, you home?"

  "Yeah... right here."

  "Sent you those seafood soup fixings like we got from that joint. Remember how you dug it last time? Checked the tracking, should hit your doorstep this arvo. Grab it quick, it's frozen..."

  "Okay, thanks Dad!"

  "What's with the thanks? Cut the formality. You sound good though. That's awesome! But seriously, take care of yourself. You were looking way thinner last time you were back..."

  Amid Ling Kangwen's scattered advice, Ling Hanlu snuggled closer to Gu Pan. She glanced at the kid beside her and felt the endless beauty of the moment.

  On that very day, two hearts connected by love converged effortlessly. What more could they want in a marriage!

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